Master of Accountancy

Course Requirements (MACC)

The School of Business offers a 30 or 31-hour course of study in the Master of Accountancy (MAcc) degree. This degree offers a concentration in Forensic Accounting. Students currently enrolled in the CBU B.S. in Accounting degree may apply for the program during their senior year. Students beginning the program with a bachelor’s degree from another institution will submit an application to the Director of the Master of Accountancy Program. Applicants from institutions other than CBU, Rhodes College, or the University of Memphis are required to complete the graduate application for admission and submit GMAT or GRE test scores. The GMAT or GRE is waived for students who have a previous graduate degree or certification in the accounting field. A student may be permitted to transfer up to 9 hours of credit into the program for any courses taken at another university at the graduate level, including up to 6 hours for professional exam review courses. Each student will take four core accounting courses. In addition, students have the option of selecting a concentration by completing the concentration courses. The courses offered in this program will be available only in the spring and fall semesters.

Common Requirements for MACC

MACT 604IFRS Regulations and Research


MACT 620International Finance and Accounting


MACT 630Tax and Business Strategy


MACT 660Asset Valuation and Business Strategy


MACT 665Advanced Accounting


MACT 675Governmental and Non-Profit


Concentration or Elective Credits


Total Credit Hours:30-32

MACT 665: Cannot take if completed ACCT 465 as undergrad

MACT 675: Cannot take if completed ACCT 376 as undergrad

Forensic Accounting Concentration Requirements (FRAC)

Students must take a minimum of 13 hours from the available concentration courses.

MACT 681Information Security


MACT 681LInformation Security Lab


MACT 683Security Compliance & Auditing


MACT 685Forensic Accounting


MACT 686Forensic Analytics


MACT 686LForensic Analytics Lab


MACT 690Information Technology Control & Audit


Total Credit Hours:13-14

Elective Courses

(Students will select a minimum of 2 electives from the electives below or from the coursework outside of their chosen concentration in addition to the concentration if the student had ACCT 465 and ACCT 376 at the undergraduate level.

MACT 645Interviewing Techniques and Expert Testimony


MACT 650CPA Review Course


MACT 655Internship/Certification Review


MACT 686Forensic Analytics


Total Credit Hours:6

Total Credit Hours: 30-32