Off-Campus Courses

After a student matriculates at Christian Brothers University, all courses must be taken at the University. The Dean of the School in which the student is majoring must approve any exception to this policy. Under certain circumstances, Christian Brothers University students may request to take courses at other regionally accredited colleges or universities, provided that the student is not repeating a course previously attempted at Christian Brothers University. CBU students who have attained junior status (60 or more credit hours) may request to take courses only at four-year regionally accredited colleges and universities, or through CBU-approved study abroad program.

A CBU student who wishes to enroll in a course at another institution must:

  1. Complete a “Request for Off Campus Course” form available on the Office of the Registrar Web page, prior to taking the course, which includes written authorization of the student’s Department Chair, the Dean of the School in which the student is majoring, and the Associate Registrar.
  2. Request that an official transcript be sent to the Office of the Registrar at Christian Brothers University at the end of the session.