CPSY 460 Practicum in Psychology

The practicum offered for majors with senior status includes several options. The first is a formal internship consisting of 100 hours of professional in-field experience. It is a well-structured program in which students will be required to meet a number of objectives related to their goals, their developing competence, and their interests in psychology and related fields. A 2.5 GPA is required to pursue this option. The second option involves a research assistantship in which seniors will assist practicing graduate-level and professional-level researchers in conducting their projects. Sound performance in the statistics and research courses is a prerequisite for this option. A third option involves the opportunity to be a learning facilitator mentored by a full-time faculty member. In this capacity, the student provides support services to a faculty member in a specific course. These services include preparation of presentation materials, development of study guides, the convening and leading of study groups, peer editing, and the compilation of course-related research. This option may be particularly valuable to students seeking careers in academic fields. The guidelines and requirements for this option have been developed and are made available to interested students upon request. A final option is an individually-designed project suited to the needs, interests, and academic strengths of the student. The project will be conducted under the direction of a full-time faculty member. Guidelines for the formal proposals are available. Plans for any of these options should be developed and approved by the Practicum Director the semester before the course is taken. Permission of the Practicum Director is required.




CPSY 235, CPSY 354 and senior standing.