Center, Consortium, and Institute

HEALTHCARE PACKAGING CONSORTIUM: The mission of the consortium is to advance the knowledge related to healthcare packaging through education and research. Our vision is to be a unique world-class healthcare packaging consortium with member companies from various segments of the packaging industry. Director: Dr. Siripong Malasri

STEM CENTER FOR WOMEN & DIVERSITY: The Center for Women and Diversity at CBU strives to increase representation of women and women from racial and ethnic minorities by creating awareness, promoting interest and inspiring young women to consider STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) majors in college and STEM careers; to prepare current CBU Engineering female students for professional STEM careers, and to create a successful pipeline from K-12 through College graduate in STEM majors. Director: Dr. Diyva Choudhary

SURFACE WATER INSTITUTE: The Surface Water Institute at CBU is an inter-agency research center under the Science and Water Resource Advisory Board. The institute works on complex surface water issues and provides a platform for addressing critical surface water resource challenges facing the Greater Memphis Metro-Region. This is done through collaboration, research, and project development. Director: Dr. L. Yu Lin