Course Requirements for a BA/BS in Interdisciplinary Studies

This degree is only for students who have been admitted into the BA/BS Interdisciplinary Studies Program with an approved proposal by the VP of Academics and Student Life.

Admissions Requirements:

To be admitted, a student must submit a written proposal that must contain the rationale for the degree sought and a proposed paradigm. The proposal must be approved by the student’s ad hoc committee (which includes three faculty members: the advisor, a faculty member from the second field, and a third appropriate faculty member) and the Vice President for Academics and Student Life prior to the end of the student’s fourth semester.

Curriculum Requirements:

Students who wish to major in Interdisciplinary Studies will be required to meet all of the requirements for a minor in a field offered by CBU (other than Interdisciplinary Studies). The student’s advisor and chair of her/his ad hoc faculty committee must be a faculty member in this minor department.

In addition to meeting all requirements for the above minor, the student must take 18 or more hours from at least one other major or minor field offered by CBU, 9 hours or more of which must be 300-level or above courses. A second faculty member of the student’s faculty committee must come from this second field.

Overall, the student must have 30 or more hours of 300-level or above coursework, excluding the capstone project credit. All General Education requirements, GPA, and other University requirements must be met. The student must also participate in the research or capstone project of the minor field. An “interdisciplinary studies” or “independent study” capstone will not satisfy this requirement. The “major GPA” will include all courses taken in the two primary areas of study, along with a senior project, and therefore must be a 2.00 average or above.

GPA requirements – 2.0 cumulative; 2.0 for major (inclusive of minor, secondary area of study, capstone project). Students will make specific curricular choices with the direction of the advisor, including General Education courses.

Total credits required for the degree 121