MEDA 1530 Pharmacology for the Medical Assistant

This course is designed to provide the student with the principles of pharmacology related to the medical assist profession. Emphasis is placed on correlation of drug therapy and pathologic conditions, patient education regarding medications and researching drugs using a drug reference. This course includes the use, action, side effects, contraindications, and routes of administration of drugs most commonly administered in a medical office. Legal considerations as they apply to the scope of practice of a medical assistant will be discussed. Successful demonstration of medication preparation and administration in the skills lab setting is required. This course does not meet requirements for the nursing program. Prerequisite: Completion of NRST 1200, ZOO 2015 or ZOO-1200, MEDA 1500, MEDA 1510 and MEDA 1520; and completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1000 or higher and ENGL 1010. (2.5 lect., 1.5 lab)


3 credits


Completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1000 or higher and ENGL 1010.