HNUR 1270 PN Perspectives

This course includes information regarding vocational adjustments and personal, family, and community health issues. It expounds on the role of the practical nurse, practical nursing education and the Law Relating to the Practice of Practical Nursing as defined by the Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners (LSBPNE), including the Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 37, Chapter 11, Subpart II - Practical Nurses and LAC 46:XLVII.Nursing, subpart 1- Practical Nurses. Ethical/legal/cultural issues and trends, communication techniques, and personality development are addressed. It includes discussion of the concepts of health maintenance with identification of local, state and national health resources available for maintenance of health. Also included is an introduction to the normal aging process, including biological, psychosocial, cultural, spiritual, and pharmacological factors, including health maintenance throughout the life cycle. Additional topics covered in this course will include rehabilitative/restorative care and support of end-of-life issues utilizing therapeutic and preventive measures.
