2019-2020 Catalog

Nursing (A.S.)

(ADN) Associate in Science

Program Administrator: Christine Martin

413-236-4638 • cmartin@berkshirecc.edu

This program is approved by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing and is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN, formerly NLNAC).

Nursing combines science and the art of working with people. Nurses are integrally involved in the lives of their clients, helping them to maximize their health and cope with illness. Nurses perform multiple roles in the care of their clients. Not only do they provide hands-on care, they also act as educators, counselors, coordinators and conciliators. Using scientific knowledge and technical skills, nurses continually assess the physical, emotional and social status of their clients. Nurses work with clients and their families to devise plans of care for each situation. As they continually monitor client progress, they make important decisions about appropriate methods to deal with problems.

Nursing offers diversity in roles and settings, a wide range of career paths, employment opportunities and competitive salaries. People are attracted to nursing by the focus on caring, flexibility of working schedules and challenges to excel within the profession. RNs are employed in hospitals, nursing homes, home care, clinics, health centers, physicians’ offices and the military. BCC’s nursing program is a sequence of lecture, skills, laboratory and clinical courses. Graduates are eligible to take the licensing examination to become registered nurses (RNs).

ADN Info-Sessions

Please head to www.berkshirecc.edu/nursinginfo to sign up for an ADN information session.

Essential Functions

Students in this program must be able to:

  • Demonstrate the ability to perform essential functions for a maximum of an 12-hour shift;
  • Demonstrate the ability to protect a patient when the patient is standing and ambulating on all surfaces with or without the use of assistive devices, including canes, crutches and walkers;
  • Demonstrate the ability to safely move a patient over 100 pounds from one surface to another using the appropriate level of help;
  • Demonstrate safe body mechanics in the process of all patient treatments, including lifting and carrying small equipment (under 50 pounds) and moving large equipment (over 50 pounds);
  • Demonstrate the ability to manipulate dials on equipment;
  • Demonstrate the ability to coordinate simultaneous motions;
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform occasional overhead extension;
  • Demonstrate the ability to hear blood pressure, heart and lung sounds with or without corrective devices;
  • Demonstrate the ability to palpate soft tissue including pulse, muscle and bones;
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform nursing interventions: sterile procedures, dressing changes and when necessary follow infection control procedures, administer medications (including dosage calculations);
  • Display adaptability to change;
  • Establish effective relationships with others;
  • Communicate effectively, safely and efficiently in English by:
    • Explaining procedures;
    • Receiving information from others;
    • Receiving information from written documents;
    • Exhibiting appropriate interpersonal skill (refer to ANA Code for Nurses);
    • Analyzing and documenting assessment findings and interventions;
  • Distinguish color changes; and
  • Detect an unsafe environment and carry out appropriate emergency procedures including:
    • Detecting subtle environmental changes and odors including but not limited to the smell of burning electrical equipment, smoke and spills;
    • Detect high and low frequency sounds, including but not limited to alarms, bells and emergency signals.

General Admission Requirements

The student’s overall GPA, success in science courses, the number of additional required courses completed, and the completion of additional college degrees are considered and do influence the admission decision.   Admission specific criteria are as follows:

  • Submit official transcript(s) from high school or high school equivalency, previous colleges or post-secondary schools attended.
    • International transcripts will only be accepted for consideration if they have been translated and evaluated by a foreign credential evaluation service provider. BCC recommends World Education Services - www.wes.org.
  • Math: ACCUPLACER Next Generation QAS score of 262 or greater OR successful completion of MAT-029, MAT-029C, or MAT-136 or higher (with a minimum grade of C). (MAT-123 Statistics recommended for transfer);
  • English: Readiness to take ENG-101 as demonstrated through the ACCUPLACER or completion of a college-level composition course (ENG-101) with a grade of C (73) or better;
  • Support Courses: Completing a minimum of 10 credits of college-level ADN support courses.
  • Students who have not completed BIO-201, BIO-202, and BIO-207 prior to January 1, 2018, will be required to earn a grade of C+ (77) or better in these courses to be eligible for admission to the ADN program. Courses taken prior to January 1, 2018 require a C (73 or better). These three science courses, (BIO-201, BIO-202, and BIO-207), must be completed within seven years of entry into the program. Any waivers to this provision require direct approval from the Dean of Nursing (contact Admissions Office to begin waiver process).
  • Attend a Mandatory Nursing Information Session. Register online at www.berkshirecc.edu/nursinginfo. 

Students who have met all the general admissions requirements must apply by June 1 to be considered for the fall semester and September 15 for the spring semester. Students must submit an application to the college and a Nursing Program Matriculation form. All students are notified of admission decisions by general postal mail. Accepted students may defer one time for a one year period.

Admissions into the nursing program are based on space availability and follow a competitive process.

Please refer to the Admission Policy for more details.

Determining Acceptance to the ADN Program

Each spring, a maximum of 56 students are conditionally admitted to the program. A Selective Admission Rubric is used, following non-discriminatory practice, for admission into the ADN program. The rubric does not contain any identifying student characteristics besides the student BCC ID number. Applicants with the highest scores are accepted in rank order.

The following components are the basis of ranking:

  1. Program GPA – Students are awarded points for GPA to the hundredth decimal point (e.g., GPA of 3.14 = 3.14 points, GPA of 3.27 = 3.27 points). The GPA is calculated only on courses required for the program.
  2. Science courses and general education course according to the Selective Admissions Rubric.
  3. Completion of a minimum of 10 credits of college-level ADN support courses (science and general education courses) prior to submitting the ADN matriculation form. Science (A&P I and II, and Microbiology) must be completed within seven years of admittance to the program.
  4. Other degrees:  A student who possesses a(n) Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree, Master’s Degree, and/or Doctorate will be awarded a maximum of one point, regardless of the number of degrees held.
  5. Students will be awarded 2 points for classes that are successfully passed through AP exams or CLEP.

Space Available List:

If a top-ranked student, offered admission into the program, decides to defer or decline admission, an alternate list (Space Available List), of the second tier of qualified students, is developed. Individuals on the Space Available List will be identified only by their BCC ID. To remain eligible, individuals on the Space Available List must continue to meet all eligibility requirements up until August 1st of the starting semester, at which time individuals on the space available list may be notified of their admission to the program. If not admitted, those students on the Space Available List must reapply to the pro- gram each year. Individuals on the list must ensure that their contact information is accurate and up-to-date at all times. Individuals, from the Space Available List, offered admission, will have up to three business days to respond to the offer.

BCC will not admit students concurrently into any two of the following degree or certificate programs: Physical Therapist Assistant, Respiratory Care, Practical Nursing Certificate, or Associate degree.

Mandatory Health Requirements - Immunization Policy

Immunization Requirements: Students entering the Associate Degree Nursing program are required to follow the immunization policy for BCC health students. Students must submit proof of compliance with immunizations by the August 10th for the fall semester and by December 1st  for the spring semester. The college immunization policy can be found in the BCC College Catalog. (www.berkshirecc.edu/catalog) 

Please note:  The Hep B series may take up to six months to complete. Students should plan accordingly.  Immunization information may be shared with the Dean of Nursing, Program Administrative Assistant, Nursing Data Analyst, and contracted agencies to allow for clinical experiences.


Hepatitis B

Required Immunization for Hepatitis B

Laboratory evidence of immunity (titer)

(Declination acceptable after second series of vaccines if titer is negative.)


3 doses of the Engerix-B or Recombivax--HB formulations of the hepatitis B vaccine on a 0, 1, and 6 month schedule



1 dose; and history of a DTaP primary series or age appropriate catch-up vaccination. Tdap given at ≥7 years may be counted, but a dose at age 11-12 is recommended if Tdap was given earlier as part of a catch-up schedule. Tdap should be given if it has been ≥10 years since Tdap.



Laboratory evidence of immunity (titer)

(If immunity is not seen, 2 series of MMR vaccine)


Laboratory evidence of immunity (titer)

((If immunity is not seen, 2 series of Varicella vaccine)



Documentation of negative T-Spot or Quantifiers. Once initial documentation is obtained the test does not need to be repeated annually. A “TB” interview form will completed annually. If there are any affirmation answers to those questions, the T-Spot will be repeated.

Influenza Vaccine

During regular flu season (Oct-March). Declination is only allowed if there is documented allergy or documentation for religious reasons which will be determined on a case by case basis.



1 dose; 1 dose MenACWY (formerly MCV4) required for all full-time students 21 years of age or younger. The dose of MenACWY vaccine must have been received on or after the student’s 16th birthday. Doses received at younger ages do not count towards this requirement. Students may decline MenACWY vaccine after they have read and signed the MDPH Meningococcal Information and Waiver Form provided by their institution.

Meningococcal B vaccine is not required and does not meet this requirement.

Ishirara Test

Required for all faculty and students who need to identify color for specific tests. (This will be done during clinical orientation.)

(BCC Immunization policy developed according to MDPH Immunization Program 2020-2021 School Year and per requirements of clinical sites)



If a student is unable to receive an immunization due to medical reasons, they must discuss a medical waiver with the Dean of Nursing and provide a doctor’s notice.  If a medical waiver is granted, documentation from the student's physician must be filed in the Nursing Immunization and Medical Records Office. It is also highly recommended that these students have blood testing done to show possible immunity.  Both medical exemptions and declinations must be renewed on the appropriate forms annually.  If a student cannot complete clinical, then he/she cannot complete the course.

Drug Screening

Please be advised that students enrolled in certain programs which require clinical or fieldwork study may be required by the placement affiliate agency to undergo and pass a drug screening analysis in order to be eligible. Students who either fail to pass, or refuse to submit to a drug screening analysis will be deemed ineligible for clinical placement, which will affect their status in the program.

Verification of Student Health History and Physical Exam

In addition to the Mandatory Immunization Requirements, all students enrolled in the nursing program are required to have Verification of Student Health History and Physical Exam report completed by their health care provider by August 10th or for the fall semester and by December 1st for the spring semester.

Failure to Comply

A student will not be allowed to participate in the clinical experience without all health requirements fully complete.  

Submit requirements to the Nursing Immunization and Medical Records Office located in the Hawthorne building, office #310, Berkshire Community College Main Campus.

Telephone: 413-236-4609; Fax: 800-724-9943; medicalrecords@berkshirecc.edu


Revised: ADN Faculty Committee, 4/2/19, 8/6/19, 11/5/19, 1/17/20; 5/22/2020; 5/28/2020

End-of-Program Student Learning Outcomes EPSLOs

The expected outcomes for the BCC ADN nursing program are tied to the Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies (NOFNCC). The course student learning outcomes are designed to determine student achievement of specific NOFNCC competencies at each course level by the end of the program.

By the end of the Associate Degree nursing program, graduates are able to:

  • Provide holistic care that recognizes an individual’s preferences, values and needs and respects the patient or designee as a full partner in providing compassionate, coordinated, age and culturally appropriate, safe and effective care (Patient-Centered Care)
  • Demonstrate accountability for the delivery of standard- based nursing care that is consistent with moral, altruistic, legal, ethical, regulatory, and humanistic principles (Professionalism);
  • Influence the behavior of individuals or groups of individuals within their environment in a way that will facilitate the establishment and acquisition/achievement of shared goals (Leadership);
  • Demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context of the health care system, and will demonstrate the ability to effectively call on work unit resources to provide care that is of optimal quality and value (Systems-Based Practice);
  • Use advanced technology and to analyze as well as synthesize information and collaborate in order to make critical decisions that optimize patient outcomes (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, 2015) (Informatics and Technology);
  • Interact effectively with patients, families, and colleagues, fostering mutual respect and shared decision making, to enhance patient satisfaction and health outcomes (Communication);
  • Function effectively within nursing and interdisciplinary teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, shared decision-making, team learning and development (QSEN, 2007) (Teamwork and Collaboration);
  • Minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance (QSEN, 2007) (Safety);
  • Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes, and uses improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems (Quality Improvement); and
  • Identify, evaluate, and use the best current evidence coupled with clinical expertise and consideration of patients’ preferences, experience and values to make practice decisions (QSEN, 2007) (Evidence-Based Practice).

Program Outcomes

  • NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 2019 – 95%
  • Program Completion Rate at 150% of Usual Time:
    • Traditional Students: 2016 Cohort – 63.9% (MABORN); 58% (ACEN)
    • Bridge Students (LPN to ADN): 2018 Cohort – 88% (ACEN)
  • Job Placement Rate: 2018 grads – 94%

Graduation Requirements

To earn a degree in this program, a student must complete all program and general education credits, plus the following Additional Requirements.

Please refer to the Graduation Policy for more details.

Program Courses

BIO-201Anatomy and Physiology I


BIO-202Anatomy and Physiology II


NUR-101Physical and Mental Health I


NUR-102Physical and Mental Health II


NUR-201Physical and Mental Health III


NUR-202Physical and Mental Health IV


NUR-206Nursing in Transition


PSY-107Introductory Psychology


PSY-204Human Growth and Development


Total Credit Hours:50

General Education Courses





English Composition/Writing




SOC-105Introductory Sociology


General Education Elective


Total Credit Hours:19

Communication: See footnote 2
English Composition/Writing: See footnote 3
Mathematics: See footnote 4
General Education Elective: See footnote 5
Health/Fitness: See footnote 6

Additional Requirements

Core Competencies Portfolio 4 items
FORUM 4 units
Health/Fitness  30 hours
Minimum Cumulative Average 2.000

Minimum Percentage Grade

Each NUR Course 75%
All Other Courses** 73%

** Students who have not completed BIO-201, BIO-202, and BIO-207 prior to January 1, 2018, will be required to earn a grade of C+ (77) or better in these courses to be eligible for admission to the ADN program. Courses taken prior to January 1, 2018 require a C (73 or better). These three science courses, (BIO-201, BIO-202, BIO-207), must be completed within seven years of entry into the program. Any waivers to this provision require direct approval from the Interim Dean of Nursing (contact Admissions Office to begin waiver process). 

Health/Fitness: See footnote 6

Suggested Pathway to Graduation

The following is a suggestion for completing this program in two years. The actual time needed to complete the program will vary according to each student’s individual needs.

First Semester

BIO-201Anatomy and Physiology I


NUR-101Physical and Mental Health I


PSY-107Introductory Psychology


English Composition/Writing


Total Credit Hours:19

Second Semester

BIO-202Anatomy and Physiology II


NUR-102Physical and Mental Health II


PSY-204Human Growth and Development


Total Credit Hours:15

Summer Session

EXL-225Experiential Learning I


NUR-106LPN to RN Bridge


NUR-106: (for LPNs only) 8

EXL-225: (optional)

Third Semester



NUR-201Physical and Mental Health III


SOC-105Introductory Sociology




Total Credit Hours:16-20

Fourth Semester

NUR-202Physical and Mental Health IV


NUR-206Nursing in Transition


English Composition/Writing


General Education Elective


NUR-101 Physical & Mental Health I: See Footnote 1
Communication: See footnote 2
English Composition/Writing: See footnote 3
General Education Elective: See footnote 5
NUR-106 Bridge Course—LPN to RN (for LPNs only): See footnote 7

Educational Mobility: LPN to ADN

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) who apply to BCC’s Associate in Science degree in Nursing program may challenge the first two nursing courses (NUR-101 and NUR-102) through a standardized theoretical test.

Applicants who pass the challenge examinations will receive 17 credits for NUR-101 and NUR-102 upon admission. In addition to meeting all other nursing admission standards, applicants must have licensure as a practical nurse in the state of Massachusetts through successful completion of the National Certification Licensing Exam (NCLEX) as a condition for provisional admission and by August 10th of the admitting year.

Students must enroll in NUR-201 within one year of taking the challenge exam. Enrollment requires the completion of a “bridge” course (NUR-106) during the summer prior to admission.

At a minimum, five (5) seats are reserved for current BCC Practical Nursing students who;

  • are scheduled to graduate;
  • declare intention to transition in the same year into the LPN/ADN mobility pathway;
  • have met all ADN admission requirements;
  • have attended an Educational Mobility: LPN to ADN information session; and
  • submitted the LPN/ADN matriculation form, for 2020 only, applications will be accepted until July 23.

Please head to www.berkshirecc.edu/nursinginfo to sign up for the Educational Mobility: LPN to ADN information session.

Please refer to the Education Mobility Policy for more details.


Admission Policy
Graduation Policy
Admissions Rubric Health & Immunization Policy
Advanced Placement Policy Progression Policy
Attendance Policy Readmission Policy
Course Exemption Policy Student Rights & Grievances Policy
CPR Policy Transfer Policy
Educational Mobility Policy Withdrawal Policy

Notices and Disclosures

  • Any prior criminal offense could hinder placement in clinical agencies. See Criminal Offender Record Information Checks for details. In the event that an applicant has ever been convicted by a court of law, or is convicted during his or her tenure in the Nursing program, she/he should be aware that she/he may be denied the right by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing to sit for the National Council Licensing Examination (NCLEX-RN) which leads to RN licensure upon graduation.
  • Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850 Atlanta, GA 30326 - (404) 975-5000


Berkshire Community College seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities. Therefore, to the extent practicable, the College will endeavor to make a reasonable academic adjustment for an applicant with a disability who is otherwise qualified.


  1. Students must have proof of current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Students are responsible for ensuring that their CPR certification is always current throughout the years in the program.

    The following CPR courses are acceptable for meeting this requirement:

    • American Heart Association: Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers (2-year certification)
    • American Red Cross: Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers (2-year certification)
    • CPR must be for health care providers
  2. COM chosen from COM-104, COM-105, COM-106, or COM-107.
  3. English Composition/Writing chosen from ENG-101, ENG-102, ENG-103.
  4. Mathematics: Students must demonstrate competency at a level of ACCUPLACER Next Generation QAS score of 262 or greater OR successful completion of MAT-029, MAT-029C, or MAT-136 (with a minimum grade of C) or higher level prior to matriculation in the Nursing program. (MAT-123 Statistics recommended for transfer.)
  5. General Education Elective chosen from History or Humanities and Fine Arts. If a student wishes to take a course that is not listed, she/ he must first consult with the nursing program advisor.
  6. Fulfilled by successful completion of NUR-101.
  7. NUR-106, Bridge Course — LPN to RN, is a prerequisite for NUR-201 for all LPN mobility students and may be required for students re-entering into NUR-201.