2019-2020 Catalog

Smoke-Free Campus Policy

I. Individuals affected by this policy:

All individuals on Berkshire Community College’s campus.

II. Policy statement:

Smoking is prohibited on all property owned or operated by Berkshire Community College (BCC). This consists of all buildings, all grounds, including exterior open spaces, parking lots, on-campus sidewalks, roadways and driveways, recreational spaces and practice facilities; and in all College-owned or leased vehicles. Smoking will only be allowed in private vehicles, law- fully parked on campus lots (north, central and/or south lots) in which the smoker is authorized to be.

III. Rationale for policy:

Berkshire Community College recognizes the medical evidence that indicates that smoking is a serious health hazard, and that this health hazard extends to non-smokers subjected to second- hand smoke. BCC is committed to promoting a healthy and safe environment for everyone on campus. This policy is intended to reduce the health risks related to second-hand smoke for the campus community, providing a healthy learning and working environment.

IV. Definition:

Smoking — the burning of tobacco or any other material in any type of smoking equipment, including but not restricted to cigarettes, cigars, pipes or electronic vapor-cigarettes.

V. Procedures:

  1. Effective implementation of the policy depends on the courtesy, respect and cooperation of all members of the campus community. All members of the College community may, but are not required to, assist in this endeavor to make BCC smoke-free through supportive and non-confrontational efforts to inform the offending party of the existence of this policy and/or by requesting that he or she adhere to its conditions.
  2. Complaints concerning employees of the College should be brought to the attention of the employee’s immediate supervisor, or in the alternative to the Vice President for Human Resources. Complaints concerning students should be brought to the attention of campus security or the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Services (the College’s Student Code of Conduct Officer). Any disciplinary measures will be reserved for repeat infractions or infractions that interfere with the College’s academic or workplace needs or responsibilities, consistent with applicable collective the competence of the individual graduate, but does provide reasonable assurance about the quality of opportunities avail- able to students who attend the institution.