2018-2019 Catalog

Disclosure of Institutional Graduation and Transfer-Out Rates

Berkshire Community College is pleased to provide the following information regarding the institution’s graduation/completion and transfer-out rates. This information is provided in compliance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. The rates reflect the graduation and transfer-out status of students who enrolled during the Fall 2015 semester and for whom 150% of the normal time-to-completion has elapsed.

During the fall semester 2015, 269 first-time, full-time, certificate or degree-seeking undergraduate students entered BCC. After three years (as of August 31, 2018), 19% of these students had graduated from the institution or completed their programs and 23% had transferred to other higher education institutions prior to formal graduation from BCC.

Questions related to this information should be directed to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.