MUSI 6313 Modern Band Pedagogy

This course is designed to help you develop new ways of thinking about teaching and learning that will serve you throughout your career as a music educator. During the semester you will become familiar with the philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical foundations of popular music pedagogy. You will develop knowledge, skills, and techniques for planning, delivering, and evaluating popular music instruction, including developing skills on instruments like guitar, bass, keyboard, drumset, ukulele, vocals, and technology. You will learn about informal learning processes and 'music as a second language' methodology (MSL). You will observe and practice teaching techniques appropriate for popular music pedagogy and MSL. No prior experience in popular music performancy or instruments is required.




Permission of instructor and graduate standing in music required.

Cross Listed Courses

Credit cannot be earned for MUSI 6313 and MUSI 3313.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit



As scheduled