Listing of DSST Exams

DSST Exam title TESU Equivalency Credits
Intellectual and Practical Skills
English Composition
Principles of Advanced English Composition ENC-102 English Composition II 3
Oral Communication
Principles of Public Speaking COM-209 Public Speaking 3
Quantitative Literacy
Math for Liberal Arts MAT-105 Applied Liberal Arts Math 3
Principles of Statistics STA-201 Principles of Statistics 3
 Fundamentals of College Algebra MAT-115 Intermediate Algebra 3
Information Literacy
Technical Writing ENG-201 Technical Writing 3
Introduction to World Religions REL-277 Introduction to World Religions 3
Civic and Global Leadership
Diversity Intercultural Literacy
General Anthropology ANT-101 Introduction to Anthropology 3
Ethical Leadership
Business Ethics and Society BUS-302 Business Ethics in Society 3
Ethics in America PHI-287 Ethics in America 3
Ethics in Technology  ETH-230 Ethics in the Digital Age 3
Knowledge of Human Cultures
Art of the Western World ART-166 Art of the Western World 3
Business Ethics and Society BUS-302 Business Ethics in Society 3
Ethics in America PHI-287 Ethics in America 3
Introduction to World Religions REL-405 Introduction to World Religions 3
Social Sciences
General Anthropology ANT-101 Introduction to Anthropology 3
Introduction to Law Enforcement AOJ-101 Introduction to Law Enforcement 3
Criminal Justice AOJ-102 Introduction to Criminal Justice 6
 Introduction to Geography GOG-120 Introduction to Human Geography 3
Fundamentals of Counseling COU-262 Fundamentals of Counseling 3
The Civil War and Reconstruction HIS-252 Civil War and Reconstruction 3
Lifespan Development Psychology PSY-211 Developmental Psychology 3
A History of the Vietnam War HIS-351 A History of the Vietnam War 3
Organizational Behavior PSY-361 Organizational Behavior 3
Substance Abuse SOS-303 Substance Abuse 3
History of the Soviet Union HIS-386 Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union 3
Understanding the Physical and Natural World
Astronomy AST-101 Introduction to Astronomy 3
Computing Information Technology
COS-101 Introduction to Computers
Environmental Science
(formerly Environment and Humanity:
Race to Save the Planet)
ENS-201 Environment and Humanity:
Race to Save the Planet
Management Information Systems CIS-301 Management Information Systems 3
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity CIS-344 Computer Security 3
Physical Geology GEO-101 Introduction to Geology 3
Business Administration
Introduction to Business BUS-101 Introduction to Business 3
Business Mathematics BUS-161 Business Math 3
Business Ethics and Society BUS-302 Business Ethics in Society 3
Human Resource Management
MAN-331 Human Resources Management 3
Management Information Systems CIS-301 Management Information Systems 3
Principles of Finance FIN-301 Principles of Finance 3
Principles of Supervision MAN-201 Principles of Supervision 3
Organizational Behavior PSY-361 Organizational Behavior 3
Money and Banking ECO-322 Money and Banking 3
Computing Information Technology COS-101 Introduction to Computers 3
General Education Electives
 Technical Writing ENG-201 Technical Writing 3
 Free Electives
Foundations of Education EDU-102 Foundations of Education 3
Health and Human Development HEA-103 Here's To Your Health 3
Personal Finance BUE-101 Personal Finance 3

Note: Although some exams are listed under more than one category, the credits can only be used to satisfy one requirement.