Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership

Program Overview

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The Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership is a 120-credit program that addresses the educational needs of the corporate, nonprofit and government sectors and provides working adults an excellent opportunity to understand the roles and personal dynamics required to be an effective organizational leader. The program can be completed entirely online.

The program prepares managers and supervisors as leaders by providing students with the understanding and skills required to lead in modern complex organizations and is the first of its kind offered in New Jersey with a focus on applied organizational leadership for adult learners. The program builds on a broad foundation of liberal arts and business topics and key leadership issues, and enables students to transition easily into the University’s Master of Science in Management program.

Credit Distribution

Courses in the General Education Requirements are listed as a guide. Other courses may satisfy the areas and can be viewed on our website under General Education Courses.

I. General Education Requirements (60 Credits)

A. Intellectual and Practical Skills (15 Credits)

ENC -101Writing for Success


ENC-102English Composition II


COM-209Public Speaking


MAT-121College Algebra


SOS-110Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today


B. Civic and Global Leadership (9 Credits)

SOC-322Cultural Diversity in the United States


ETH-230Ethics in the Digital Age


POS-110American Government


C. Knowledge of Human Cultures (9 Credits)

HIS-114American History II


LIB-342Online Obsessions: Determining and Dealing with Digital Dependency


PHI-130Introduction to Critical Reasoning


D. Understanding the Physical and Natural World (4-7 Credits)

For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Understanding of the Physical and Natural World.

E. Mathematics (3 Credits)

For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Mathematics Courses.

F. General Education Electives (17-20 Credits)

For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to General Education Electives – Select from any course listed in A, B, C, D or E.

To identify which of these courses is Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC), go to Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Courses.

II. Leadership Foundations (12 Credits)

MAN-311Organizational Behavior


LDR-305Foundations of Leadership


LDR-345Leading Organizational Change


MAN-376Leadership Communication


III. Advanced Leadership: Areas of Specialization (24 Credits)

A. Required Courses (Select four from the following - 12 Credits)

MAN-415Change Management


MAN-435Project Management


MAN-425Advanced Organizational Management


MAN-210Principles of Management


LDR-422Leadership in a Global Environment


LDR-419Nonprofit Leadership


LDR-324Leaders in History


B. Additional advanced leadership and management electives (9 Credits)

     For TESU course options, please contact an Advisor.

C. Leadership Practicum

LDR-435Leadership Practicum


IV. Supportive Leadership Courses (12 Credits)



MAN-373Managerial Communications


PSY-360Organizational Theory


CIS-107Computer Concepts and Applications


V. Business Electives (6 Credits)

For TESU course options, please contact an Advisor

VI. Electives (6 Credits)

For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses.

Total Credit Hours: 120

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership BSOL program will be able to:

  • Business Fundamentals Orientation: Apply key theories, models, and applications within the global business context.
  • Analytic and Critical-Thinking Orientation: Demonstrate critical-thinking skills in business related situations.
  • Quantitative Reasoning Orientation: Employ empirical approaches to planning and decision making using quantitative reporting mechanisms.
  • Communication Orientation: Demonstrate written and oral skills appropriate for business communication.
  • Ethics Orientation: Analyze business and organizational situations using ethical approaches to decision making.
  • Leadership and Advocacy Orientation: Employ leadership theories in a variety of business situations.
  • Organizational Culture, Behavior, and Change Orientation: Apply behavioral theories to organizational cultural and change.
  • Technology Orientation: Apply technology to enable business growth, development and sustainability.