Associate in Applied Science in Health Studies Degree Pathway to BSN

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The Pre-Nursing Track is designed for adults who are interested in fulfilling the prerequisites for the Accelerated BSN Program at TESU.


As an Accelerated BSN Program applicant with some or no college credits, you can enroll in the Pre-Nursing Track Option of the AAS in Applied Health Studies pathway. This track positions you as a student at TESU where you can complete the general education and nursing prerequisite requirements necessary to be considered for admission to the Accelerated BSN Degree program. As a student in enrolled in the program, you can complete the Accelerated BSN Program requirements; and, if you choose to, earn your AAS degree at the same time. You will also be assigned to an advisor in the W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing who will help guide you through the requirements. To learn more about enrollment and program requirements, please email:

Program Highlights:

  • Flexibility: Complete general education and nursing prerequisite requirements for Accelerated BSN and earn your AAS degree at the same time completely online and at your own pace.
  • Liberal transfer policy: TESU will evaluate the course credits you may have earned elsewhere and apply those credits toward your degree.
  • Versatility: Once you complete the general education and nursing prerequisite courses you will be considered for admission to TESU’s Accelerated BSN Program (or) you can complete the AAS program and advance to a bachelor’s degree program.

Admissions Process

1. Apply

Submit your application through the TESU Online App. If you have previously attended any other higher education institutions, make sure to send us your official transcripts. Learn how to submit your transcripts.

2. Application Review

Once your application materials and transcripts have been reviewed, the Admissions Department will review your application and the Office of the Registrar will officially evaluate your transcripts. Our Advisor will then contact you discuss registering for your first courses!

Additional Requirements

Proficiency in using a computer, browsing the Internet, and sending and receiving email (including attachments).

For students of foreign universities, all transcripts must be evaluated by an approved agency. An official course-by-course evaluation must be submitted with your application.

The W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing has the discretion to require an applicant to take the TOEFL Exam regardless of the applicant's native language.

Program Progression
  • Option 1: Once accepted into the AAS program, you can earn up to 60 credits and graduate with an associate’s degree in applied health sciences.
  • Option 2: Toward the end of the program, you can apply to the W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing’s Accelerated BSN Program.  This program is designed for students who have at least 60 college credits and are interested in obtaining their BSN and RN license. If you are interested in transition to our BSNA program, let your Advisor know! Learn More about the BSNA Program.
  • Option 3: Toward the end of the program, you can continue on and earn a Bachelor of Science in Health Services Technology.

Credit Distribution

Courses in the General Education Requirements are listed as a guide. Other courses may satisfy the areas and can be viewed on our website under General Education Courses.

I. General Education Requirements (21 Credits)

A. Intellectual and Practical Skills (12 credits)

ENC -101Writing for Success


ENC-102English Composition II


HPS-200Statistics for the Health Professions


SOS-110Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today


B. Civic and Global Leadership (3 credits)

SOC-101Our Changing World An Introduction to Sociology


C. Knowledge of Human Cultures (3 credits)

SOC-210Marriage and the Family


D. Understanding the Physical and Natural World (3 credits)

CHE-111General Chemistry I


II. Applied Health Studies (18 Credits)

BIO-211Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab


BIO-212Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab


BIO-251Introduction to Microbiology with Lab


BIO-208The Science of Nutrition


 For health elective course options, please contact a Nursing Advisor.

III. Electives (18 Credits)

COM-209Public Speaking


Ethical Leadership


Civic Engagement and Awareness








PSY-211Developmental Psychology


For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Undergraduate Courses

IV. Associate Capstone (3 Credits)

APS-295Associate Capstone


Total Credit Hours: 60