ELT-490 Electronics Assessment Career Planning

This course is an in-depth, student-centered activity that
requires electronics engineering technology self-diagnostic
assessment, the integration of research in current electronics
employment, the development of a comprehensive curriculum
vitae, practical career planning, interviewing strategies,
and the application of advanced mathematics concepts to
electronics engineering technology situations. Students will
participate in career-focused activities that include building a
curriculum vitae or professional resume and knowing how to
interview successfully. The knowledge and skills acquired in
this course are directly applicable to students who are seeking
a job or a promotion, or are moving to a new skill area.

Prerequisites: Completion of MAT-231: Calculus I, MAT-232: Calculus II,
PHY-115: Physics I, PHY-116: Physics II, CHE-121: General Chemistry I with Lab,
ELE-211: DC Circuits, ELE-212: AC Circuits, ELT-306: Solid State Devices and
Circuits, ELT-307: Linear and Integrated Circuits, ELD-302: Digital Electronics,
ELD-311: Microprocessors, and ELC-201: Electronics Communications

Note: Prior to registering for this course students are required to schedule
an academic advising appointment. Instructions on how to schedule an
appointment are located on the TESU website http://www.tesu.edu/current-students/
Make-Advising-Appointment.cfm. Questions should be addressed to the Heavin
School of Arts, Science, and Technology at heavin@tesu.edu or by calling 609-
984-1130, ext. 3195.



Delivery Methods
