Graduate Business Degree Preparatory Program
The Graduate Business Degree Preparatory Program is a series of online, noncredit courses that prepare professionals to enroll in the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program at Thomas Edison State University and satisfies the prerequisites of the MBA program.
The program presents foundational principles in the areas of financial accounting, finance, microeconomics and statistics. The program's adult-centered course design, peer-encouraged instructional strategies and live, facilitator-led topic review sessions provide a powerful learning platform. It is designed for professionals who have earned a non-business undergraduate degree or those who want a "refresher" course in business fundamentals.
Program Schedule: MBA Prep
First 4 weeks (both courses taken simultaneously)
MBP-006: Principles of Microeconomics (4 weeks)
Preview course syllabus
Fee: $795.00
MBP-007: Principles of Financial Accounting (4 weeks)
Preview course syllabus
Fee: $795.00
Next 8 weeks
MBP-008: Principles of Statistics (8 weeks)
Preview course syllabus
Fee: $1,195.00
Candidates accepted into the program follow customized curricula and learning plans aligned with key learning objectives and topics in each program. The preparatory program's weekly discussion questions, content assessments and facilitator topic review sessions focus on topic learning, performance feedback and skills acquisition in preparation for course final exams. Applicants who pass courses in the Graduate Business Degree Preparatory Program satisfy the prerequisites of the MBA can be accepted directly into the programs.
Who Should Apply?
Professionals who have earned a non-business undergraduate degree in areas such as education, medicine, law, healthcare, humanities or the arts as well as those wanting "refresher" courses in business fundamentals are ideal candidates. For professionals who have earned discipline-specific certifications or acquired experience and expertise deemed equivalent to prerequisite courses, the courses may be waived. Applicants who satisfy MBA degrees can be accepted directly into the respective program. Students need only to take the courses they need.
How is this Graduate Business Degree Preparation Program Unique?
- Program Length - All courses can be completed in 12 weeks or less depending on equivalences
- Prerequisite Courses Waived - Prerequisite courses may be waived if prior course work, earned professional certifications and/or professional knowledge and expertise satisfy program standards
- Instructional Delivery - Fully online with facilitator-led topic review sessions
- Grading - Courses are Pass/Fail and noncredit
- Program Offering Schedule - Prior to annual program entries (September, January and May) and periodically throughout the year
- Affordability - Your cost depends on how many courses you need. For example, if you need to meet all of the MBA prerequisites, it will cost $2,785 (for three courses).This is a significant value when compared with other public, regionally accredited business schools.
For more information, contact Graduate Admissions.