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PEP 510
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PEP 555
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PEP 599
PIN - Pinnacle Scholar
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2022-2023 Academic Catalog
> 500
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PEP 500
Physics Review
PEP 501
Fundamentals of Atomic Physics
PEP 503
Introduction to Solid State Physics
PEP 506
Introduction to Astrophysics and Cosmology
PEP 507
Introduction to Microelectronics and Photonics
PEP 509
Intermediate Waves and Optics
PEP 510
Modern Optics Laboratory
PEP 511
Experimental Quantum Information
PEP 512
Introduction to Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Reactors
PEP 515
Photonics I
PEP 516
Photonics II
PEP 520
Computational Physics
PEP 524
Introduction to Surface Science
PEP 525
Techniques of Surface and Nanostructure Characterization
PEP 527
Mathematical Methods of Science and Engineering I
PEP 528
Mathematical Methods of Science and Engineering II
PEP 529
Applied Mathematics for Engineers & Scientists I
PEP 530
Fundamental Principles of Physical Science
PEP 531
Fundamental Principles of Earth Science
PEP 532
Energy Production and Consumption
PEP 533
Understanding Global Climate Change
PEP 538
Introduction to Mechanics
PEP 540
Physical Electronics
PEP 541
Physics of Gas Discharges
PEP 542
PEP 544
Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
PEP 545
Plasma Processing
PEP 550
Fluid Mechanics
PEP 551
Advanced Physics Laboratory I
PEP 552
Theory of Relativity
PEP 553
Quantum Mechanics and Engineering Applications
PEP 554
Quantum Mechanics II
PEP 555
Statistical Physics and Kinetic Theory
PEP 556
Introduction to Quantum Control
PEP 557
Quantum Information and Quantum Computation
PEP 558
Quantum Networking and Security
PEP 559
Machine Learning in Quantum Physics
PEP 560
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
PEP 561
Solid State Electronics for Engineering I
PEP 562
Solid State Electronics for Engineering II
PEP 570
Guided-Wave Optics
PEP 575
Fundamentals of Atmospheric Radiation and Climate
PEP 577
Laser Theory and Design
PEP 578
Laser Applications and Advanced Optics
PEP 579
Nonlinear Optics
PEP 580
Electronic Material and Devices
PEP 595
Reliability and Failure of Solid State Devices
PEP 596
Microfabrication Techniques
PEP 597
Elementary Particles
PEP 599
CurricularPractical Training