Status of the Collections

There are 55,998 books in the collection. Current subscriptions include 164 periodicals and 20 newspapers. There are 3,678 bound periodicals and 1,065 books on microforms. The Library also maintains volumes of non-book materials. Included are 22,874 slides, 22 filmstrips, 59 16mm films, 1,237 pamphlets, 4,092 recordings, 872 micro-films, 28,321 microfiche, 1,671 audio cassettes, 308 video cassettes, 12 transparency kits, 8 maps, 567 pictures, and 337 CDs. There are over 12,000 electronic books in the collection.

The Library is a member of the Louisiana Library Network (LOUIS) in which statewide electronic resources are available. LOUIS support EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). EDS brings together the library’s entire collection, including consortium-licensed electronic resources, locally purchased electronic resources and print collections. It provides a single, customizable, search interface similar to that of Google’s, which maximizes the value and usefulness of the library’s collection.

The library houses two special collections: The Black Literature collection, containing resource materials by and/or about African Americans, and the Louisiana Collection, focusing on information written by and/or about Louisianans.

The library is continuously changing to improve services to our users and has established the Learning Resource Center at the Metro Campus, 610 Texas Street. The LRC contains resources that support the Nursing and Allied Health disciplines and provides other resource materials. It currently houses approximately 569 items which consist of books and audiovisual materials.