
Advanced Aviation Maintenance Technology Airframe and Powerplant Technical Certificate of Credit AA51

The Advanced Airframe and Powerplant Certificate is designed for those individuals who have met the requirement of Federal Aviation Regulation Part 65, Subpart D. The individual must have completed FAA Form 8610-2 in which block V has been signed by an FAA inspector or must have a graduation certificate or certificate of completion from a certificated Aviation Maintenance Technician school. This program will emphasize a combination of aircraft maintenance theory and application to help the individual gain a better understanding of requirements for holding a FAA Mechanic’s Certificate with an Airframe and Powerplant rating. This certificate is for individuals who are qualified but have not earned their FAA Mechanic’s Certificate with an Airframe and Powerplant rating.

Minimum Test Scores:


Reading: 224
Writing: 236
Arithmetic: 229


Occupational Courses

AVIA 1000General Aviation Principles


AVIA 1010Airframe Aviation Principles


AVIA 1020Powerplant Aviation Principles


Minimum Length of Program: 1 Term(s)

Total Credit Hours: 16