
Peaceful Assembly

  • Only Savannah Technical College students or student organizations can apply for approval to sponsor peaceful assemblies on campus.
  • Prior to sponsoring a peaceful assembly, a group or organization representative must prepare a written proposal and submit it to the Vice President for Student Affairs at least 48 hours in advance of the intended activity.
    • The proposal must include the proposed date of the event, the proposed start and end time, the purpose of the event, the target audience and estimated number of participants.
    • Use of amplified sound devices is prohibited.
    • At the sole discretion of the Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA), the VPSA may require a meeting with the primary point of contact, leaders and/or members of the group or organization submitting the proposal prior to granting its approval.
    • Failure to file the proposal and receive approval prior to assembly will result in appropriate sanctions according to the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Sponsoring organizations and their representatives are responsible for proposing and facilitating activities and assemblies to ensure there will be no disruption to the academic environment, College business, activities, events, programs or services. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • The free passage of pedestrian and roadway traffic into or around campus at all points.
    • No persons or group shall be permitted to block the ingress and egress to any building.
    • Groups submitting applications may be subjected to costs associated with the event and such costs must be paid prior to the commencement of the event.
    • Use of amplified sound will not disrupt the conduct of College business.
    • Any contact with the media must coordinated through the Director of Communications.
  • Compliance with College Officials
    • Everyone is expected to comply with the directions of College officials who are acting in accordance with the performance of their duties. Failure to do so is a violation of campus conduct codes, and is subject to sanctions as outlined in Student Code of Conduct.
    • If a demonstration or activity interferes with normal College activities and/or functions, participants will be asked to disperse.
    • Failure to disperse may be treated as trespassing and handled in accordance by state law and/or the College disciplinary policy.