
Formal Complaint Procedure:

  1. If the complaint concerns a non-academic student issue, such as application of policy or procedure, student advisement, improper disclosure of grades, unfair testing procedures, etc., the complaint shall be filed with the Vice President for Student Affairs. If the complaint alleges sexual harassment, the complaint shall be filed with the Title IX Coordinator, 912.443.5708.

    ADA/Disability complaints shall be filed with the Disability Coordinator listed by campus below:

    • Savannah/Crossroads Campuses: Counselor/Coordinator of Special Populations - 912.443.5717
    • Effingham Campus: Campus Dean for Student Affairs - 912.754.2879
    • Liberty Campus: Campus Dean for Student Affairs - 912.408.3024

    These individuals or their offices shall also continue to monitor and coordinate the complaint resolution.

  2. Savannah Technical College shall forward the complaint to the appropriate Director for Step 1 resolution. For the sake of clarity, the term “Director” in this procedure shall mean the appropriate individual for referring such complaints. If the complaint is against the appropriate Director, Step 1 of the complaint procedure shall be by-passed and the grievance shall be filed with the appropriate Vice President.
  3. If the complaint is against a Vice President Step 1 and Step 2 of the complaint procedure shall be by-passed and the Complaint shall be filed directly with the President.
  4. If the complaint is against the President Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 of the complaint procedure shall be by-passed and the complaint shall be filed in accordance with the Appeals procedure.