
Human Services

The Human Services program emphasizes theory, knowledge and skills for competent practice in this emerging helping profession. Human Services graduates assist individuals, families and groups in many settings through a variety of modalities including casework, group work, community organization and advocacy. They are employed in mental health centers, residential facilities, child and family welfare agencies and community-based service organizations among many other settings.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Human Services students will demonstrate an understanding of theoretical knowledge of behavior of individuals, families, groups, and society.

  2. Human Services students will have knowledge and awareness to support beginning competency in serving a diverse client population.

  3. Human Services students will be proficient in entry level skills as they are applied in the helping relationship with individual, group, and community clients of human services.

  4. Human Services students will be prepared to practice in a manner consistent with the Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals (code of ethics of the National Association for Human Services).

  5. Human Services students will be knowledgeable and critical consumers of social science research and other professional literature.