
Student Services

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College provides a variety of student services to its undergraduate students, whether they are enrolled in the campus program or Woods Online.

Career Center

Where will the Avenue lead you? When it comes to landing a job in a student’s desired field, it is best to look at the process as a journey and not a destination. Think about your passion and calling. By starting the planning process early, students are provided with time to research career options, network, and make vital connections to gain the necessary experience and tools to hit the ground running upon graduation. The Career Center is available to help students develop professional readiness skills - to make a fluid transition from college to graduate/professional school or to the workplace.

The Career Center focuses on building relationships between students, alumni, faculty, and employers that lead to transformational experiences and outcomes. Utilizing these relationships, the Career Center develops programs, events, and resources that include networking opportunities, professional development activities, and experiential learning. Staff members are available to offer career guidance such as resume reviews, job search assistance, and graduate school guidance to students and alumni, and to assist in creating individual career plans.

Are you interested in Studying Abroad? The Career Center is the place to get your travel experience started. Schedule an appointment in Handshake to learn more about the process of planning and applying for a semester abroad! Don’t want to travel alone, ask the Career Center about faculty-led study abroad experiences.

Registered students and alumni have 24/7 access to job and internship postings, event registration, an alumni database, and links to helpful career-related resources and announcements. Visit Handshake to schedule a Career Center appointment or email career@smwc.edu for more information.

Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry at SMWC is grounded in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church and in the spirit of the Sisters of Providence. Students of all faith traditions are encouraged to participate in programs and activities both on and off campus. Students are empowered to take leadership roles in the planning and implementation of programs including:

  • Community outreach and service opportunities in the local area
  • Bible study, prayer groups and liturgical experiences
  • Retreats and events that will enrich the student experience
  • Alternative Fall and Spring Break Trips

The Campus Minister works with campus ministers from parishes and leaders from other faith traditions within the local community to encourage students to keep connected with their faith traditions.

Students with Disabilities

The College is committed to providing reasonable and appropriate accommodations to students with documented disabilities in order to afford them an equal opportunity to participate in the College’s programs, courses, activities and housing. In order for the College to assist students with disabilities effectively under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who have been accepted for enrollment and request accommodations must provide documentation of their disability from a physician, psychologist, testing center, state or federal agency, or other qualified evaluator. The ADA Advisor is designated to communicate with prospective or matriculated students to discuss needed support services and to communicate in writing what services the College may provide.

Procedures for requesting accommodations:

  1. Contact the ADA Advisor (LRC@smwc.edu or 812-535-5240) to discuss concerns and how to register with Disability Support Services
  2. The process for requesting academic accommodations is as follows:

    Visit https://hipaa.jotform.com/210525359088055 to register for academic accommodations. To be approved for accommodations, one of the following documents must be included with your application. All documentation can be submitted with your application in our secure online environment.

    1. A letter from a current treatment professional (i.e., physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or licensed therapist) confirming diagnosis or disability
    2. Previous IEP or 504 plan from high school or other institution of learning
    3. Diagnostic testing report from a licensed practitioner

    Once supportive documentation is received, the ADA advisor will verify the information presented and contact the student to discuss any additional concerns or needs.

    Once approved, the ADA advisor, in collaboration with the student, will develop a letter of accommodation (LOA) and provide an explanation of utilizing them in their courses.
    The student, in conjunction with the ADA advisor, will reevaluate the need for changes to these accommodations each year.

    For questions pertaining to accommodations, please contact the Associate Director for Academic Access and Support Services (Makoto.Omoto@smwc.edu) at 812-535-5240.

    The process for requesting housing accommodations (including an ESA) is multi-step application process in conjunction with the Learning Resource Center and Campus Life:

    1. Visit https://hipaa.jotform.com/210525520288047  to complete the housing accommodation application
    2. Verification from a treating professional (physician, therapist, etc.) will be required. The treating professional must confirm the diagnosis and the need for the requested housing accommodation.
    3. The student must also provide a detailed explanation for their need of an emotional support animal (if applicable) and how their accommodation will alleviate symptoms associated with their diagnosis or disability.
    4. The ADA advisor will review all documentation.
    5. ADA advisor will approve, deny, or request additional information if needed.
    6. Once a determination is made, the ADA advisor will inform the student of the decision. If student is approved, an email approving the request will be sent to both student and Campus Life for any additional forms to be completed.