
Program Offerings

  Campus Program Woods Online Program
Major BA BS AA AS Minor BA BS AA AS Minor
Accounting   X   X X   X   X X
Addictions Counseling    X         X      
Art X       X          
Biology   X     X          
Business Administration   X     X   X     X
Chemistry         X          
Computer Science   X                
Criminology   X     X   X     X
Digital Marketing   X         X      

  Preschool–Grade 3/Mild Intervention   X         X      
  Kindergarten-Grade 6/Mild Intervention   X         X      
  Early Childhood/Mild Intervention (Non-Licensure)   X         X      
  Kindergarten-Grade 6/Mild Intervention (Non-Licensure)   X         X      
 Special Education (Mild Intervention): Preschool - 12                
Education Pedagogy         X         X
English X       X X       X
Environmental Science   X     X          
Environmental Studies         X          
Equine Assisted Therapy         X         X**
Equine Science         X          
Equine Studies   X   X X          
Exercise Science   X                
French         X          
General Business       X         X  
General Studies X   X        X    
Graphic Design X       X          
Healthcare Administration   X     X   X     X
History         X         X
Human Resource Management   X     X   X     X
Human Services   X         X      
Humanities X         X        
Individualized Major X X       X X      
Information Technology   X         X      
Kinesiology   X      X          
Leadership Studies         X          
Marketing   X     X   X     X
Mathematics   X     X          
Myoskeletal Massage Therapy      


Media Art X       X          
Music X       X          
Music Therapy   X                
Nursing   X        
Paralegal Studies           X   X    
Paramedic Science       X      X      
Political Science         X         X
Pre-Art Therapy X                
Pre-Law         X         X
Pre-Professional Studies   X                
Psychology   X     X   X     X
Sociology         X         X
Spanish         X          
Sport Management
Supply Chain Management   X         X      
Theatre         X         X
Theology X       X X       X
Women’s Studies         X         X
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate
Major Campus Program Woods Online
 Addictions Counseling X X
Music Therapy Equivalency X X
Paralegal Studies   X
Alternate/Transition To Teaching:
Exceptional Needs: Mild Intervention Grades K-6 Alternate License Program   X
Exceptional Needs: Mild Intervention Grades 5-12 (Secondary) Alternate License Program   X

Kindergarten-P-Grade 3 Transition to Teaching Licensure Program

Kindergarten-Grade 6
Transition to Teaching Licensure Program
Grades 5-12 Education (Secondary)
Transition to Teaching Licensure Program
License Add-Ons
Early Childhood/Mild Intervention X X
Elementary Generalist: Grades K-6 X X
Intermediate to P-3/MI X X
Mild Intervention: Early Childhood X X
Mild Intervention: Kindergarten/Grade 6 X X
Mild Intervention: Grades 4, 5, 6 (Intermediate) X X
Mild Intervention: Grades 5-12 (Middle School/High School) X X
 P-12 Mild Intervention Add On X


 P-12 Intense Intervention Add On X X
 P-12 Intense Intervention Add On (for undergraduates) X