
Paralegal Studies

Paralegal Studies Program Mission

The Paralegal Studies program at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College aims to set the standard of excellence in liberal arts-based, career-oriented education that is both academically and technologically progressive within a personal, supportive environment. To achieve its educational mission, the Paralegal Studies program provides for the study and exchange of ideas and for the acquisition of career skills so that students think and communicate with greater awareness of themselves and others, gain valuable tools for employment and develop resources for future opportunities. Paralegal Studies majors are available only through the Woods Online program.

American Association for Paralegal Education

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is an Institutional Member of the American Association for Paralegal Education (AAfPE). This membership has been continuous since 1989.

General Objectives

This course of study is designed to:

  1. Help students integrate their knowledge of theoretical concepts and practical competencies of research, writing and critical thinking;
  2. Provide students with the knowledge and skills to understand the paralegal profession and obtain entry-level employment;
  3. Provide students with an understanding of the importance technology places in effectively assisting attorneys in the practice of law;
  4. Expose students to practical applications of the law;
  5. Provide adequately-trained professionals who will provide support services to attorneys and other legal employers;
  6. Guide students in the understanding of the unauthorized practice of law in that only attorneys can practice law and paralegals may not do any action reserved only to attorneys;
  7. Integrate general education into each curriculum and broaden the intellectual experience by engaging in discussions of lively, contemporary issues, applying critical thinking skills and acquiring confident expression in writing and speaking;
  8. Offer courses and design programs that prepare students for job placement by regularly assessing the needs of the business/professional community, and modifying or upgrading curricula, personnel, facilities and equipment; and
  9. Encourage students to continue their education and enjoy the benefits of lifelong learning.

Specific Objectives

Each course will have specific objectives such as the following:

Upon successful completion, a student will be able to:

  1. Work independently and with a minimal amount of supervision when appropriate;
  2. Demonstrate understanding of the paralegal profession;
  3. Demonstrate understanding of the ethical obligations of paralegals and attorneys;
  4. Apply knowledge of specific areas of substantive law, such as civil litigation, criminal law, torts, contracts, property law, family law and administrative law, to the resolution of factual situations;
  5. Demonstrate advanced critical thinking, organizational, general communication, interpersonal, legal research, legal writing, computer, and interviewing and investigation skills;
  6. Analyze a program, and identify and evaluate alternative solutions;
  7. Determine which areas of law are relevant to a particular situation;
  8. Use both print and electronic sources of law to locate applicable statutes, administrative regulations, constitutional provisions, court cases and other primary source materials;
  9. Use both print and electronic sources of law to locate treatises, law review articles, legal encyclopedias and other secondary source materials to help explain the law;
  10. Read, evaluate and analyze both print and electronic sources of law, and apply them to issues requiring legal analysis;
  11. Properly cite both print and electronic sources of law;
  12. Understand and apply principles of writing and rules of English grammar to all writing tasks;
  13. Write in a style that conveys legal theory in a clear and concise manner;
  14. Report legal research findings in a standard interoffice memorandum or other appropriate format;
  15. Demonstrate readiness to search for and obtain entry-level employment as a paralegal;
  16. Demonstrate knowledge of computer terminology and the use of computer hardware and software in the law office;
  17. Demonstrate knowledge of personal computer applications in the law office, including software for word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and time and billing;
  18. Demonstrate knowledge of the computer in litigation support and case management; and
  19. Demonstrate ability to perform computer-assisted, CD-ROM and internet legal and factual research.

Student Outcomes

Each course will have student outcomes to measure the objectives presented, such as the following:

  1. To demonstrate the ability to critically analyze legal problems and properly apply acquired knowledge to their resolution.
    • Measure: Students will analyze, brief and present for class discussion assigned cases that relate to the substantive areas of law being studied.
    • Standard: At least 80% of all students will receive a grade of “C” or better on each case assignment.
  2. To demonstrate the ability to critically analyze legal problems and properly apply acquired knowledge to their resolution.
    • Measure: Students will be assigned complex hypothetical problems that must be resolved through investigation, legal and factual research, and the drafting of appropriate documentation.
    • Standard: At least 80% of all students will receive a grade of “C” or better for each project.
  3. To demonstrate the ability to sort, prioritize and organize materials.
    • Measure: Students will prepare a portfolio of personal information, research and writing assignments.
    • Standard: At least 80% of all students will receive a grade of “B” or better on this portfolio.
  4. To demonstrate readiness for entry level employment as a paralegal.
    • Measure: Students will prepare résumés, participate in mock job interviews and complete other job-readiness assignments.
    • Standard: At least 80% of all students will receive a grade of “B” or better for each assignment.
  5. To demonstrate an understanding of computer terminology and applications commonly used in a law office.
    • Measure: Students will take quizzes or examinations, following lectures, discussions and demonstrations, which will test their underlying knowledge of computer technology, applications and usage.
    • Standard: At least 80% of all students will receive a grade of “C” or better on each of these examinations.
  6. To demonstrate the ability to use law office technology to prepare and maintain law office files.
    • Measure: Students will utilize word processing, spreadsheet, database management, time and billing, litigation support applications and computer assisted legal research techniques to maintain a hypothetical case file.
    • Standard: At least 80% of all students will receive a grade of “C” or better for this project.
  7. To demonstrate knowledge of law office management, procedures and policies.
    • Measure: Each student will be evaluated by the site supervisor at the completion of the required number of contact hours.
    • Standard: At least 80% of all students will be rated by the site supervisor with a ranking equivalent to a grade of “B” or better.
  8. To demonstrate the ability to function productively in a law office.
    • Measure: Each student will prepare a daily journal of activities and observations while on site in the practicum/internship, which will be reviewed and graded by the course instructor.
    • Standard: At least 80% of all students will receive a grade of “B” or better for their journals.
  9. To demonstrate knowledge of the role of the legal assistant in the delivery of legal services.
    • Measure: Each student will prepare an essay that describes and evaluates the experience while at the practicum/internship site and the role in the delivery of such legal services.
    • Standard: At least 80% of all students will receive a grade of “B” or better for this essay.
  10. To demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively.
    • Measure: Each student will prepare a resume that clearly and concisely presents the student’s background and credentials.
    • Standard: At least 80% of all students will receive a grade of “B” or better on their résumés.
  11. To demonstrate the understanding of ethical principles.
    • Measure: Students will complete at least one paper on ethical application in the workplace.
    • Standard: At least 80% of all students will receive a grade of “B” or better on the essay.

Unauthorized Practice of Law (UPL)

Each state defines and regulates the practice of law within its jurisdiction, usually through state Supreme Court rules. In addition to the criminal sanctions for practicing law without a license, some states may make civil remedies available to a client who has been fraudulently represented by a person who is not a licensed attorney. Each state charges an ethics committee with implementing the practice rules and with the administration of professional discipline. Although the responsible agency may differ from state to state, there is uniformity among the states in providing some type of student practice rules, rules for professional responsibility and regulation of licensed attorneys, and for criminal sanctions for the unauthorized practice of law (UPL).

All states have general statutes which limit the practice of law to licensed attorneys. The way each state defines UPL, if it is defined at all, differs greatly. UPL laws are open to interpretation by the courts and each jurisdiction differs in its activities and interpretations. Generally, the practice of law has been recognized to include:

  1. Accepting cases from a client;
  2. Setting fees;
  3. Giving legal advice, thereby rendering independent legal judgment on behalf of a client;
  4. Preparing or signing legal documents; and
  5. Appearing in a representative capacity before a court or other adjudicatory body.

You will need to be familiar with the UPL rules and regulations for the state within which you are working.

Law School

There is no magic major which will ensure acceptance into law school. Law schools accept students from all traditional college majors, as long as the student has a bachelor’s degree. Each law school has its own criteria for admission. The common admission criteria for all law schools are grade point average (GPA), LSAT scores, letters of recommendation, work experience and state of residency. Other criteria are also considered, such as extracurricular activities and the required personal essay.

Admission committees at law schools are usually impressed with applicants who can demonstrate that their thinking and reasoning skills have been challenged in a diverse curriculum that emphasizes writing, speaking, synthesizing, analyzing, advocating and negotiating. A broad liberal arts curriculum provides these skills.