
Pre-Professional Studies

Students who are interested in medical, dental, veterinary, pharmacy, physical therapy and other allied health careers are encouraged to pursue the Pre-Professional Studies major. Although students entering these fields can major in any field, most students applying in these areas are expected to have substantial background in biology, chemistry and physics. This major, combined with the College’s general education program, provides the background for students to apply to the professional programs and/or take the appropriate admissions tests [e.g., the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)]. Developing the ability of each student as a creative problem solver for the scientific age is the goal of the department.

Since this program has the expectation of further study in competitive fields, there is an application process to enter the program. Students who have earned 32 hours with at least a 3.0 (3.3 for Pre-Vet, Pre-Med, and Pre-PT), may apply for admission to the Pre-Professional program by following the prescribed processes indicated in the Gateway for Admission to the Pre-Professional Studies Program. The entire faculty in the department determines the admitted students. This gateway is meant to be a formative process for the students. Criteria for selection into the program are GPA, extracurricular and leadership activities, internship and volunteer experiences in the candidate’s desired field of study, career goals and interests. These criteria help the students evaluate their likelihood of admittance to a professional program, and suitability of the students to the professional program. Until entry into the Pre-Professional program, students pursue the Biology major.

Pre-Professional Studies Admission Procedure

Students who wish to complete the Pre-Professional Studies program must meet the requirements of an assessment system. This assessment provides faculty the opportunity to formally assess candidates’ capabilities as prospective majors in the Pre-Professional disciplines, and to support the candidates in becoming competent, caring professionals. The criteria are meant to assist the students in evaluating their likelihood of admittance to a professional program and sustainability of the students in the Pre-Professional Studies program. The following policies and procedures apply to all students seeking a Pre-Professional Studies degree:

Gateway - Admission to the Pre-Professional Studies program

Upon admission to the College, students will be listed as Biology majors until they matriculate into the Pre-Professional program. Criteria for admission to the Pre-Professional Studies program area are as follows:

  1. Completion of a minimum of 32 hours of college credit;

    NOTE: Early application - Upon recommendation of the chairperson and/or the academic advisor, the student may apply during the semester in which she is completing her 32nd credit hour. However, the student must have attained a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (3.3 for Pre-Vet, Pre-Med and Pre-PT) at both the beginning and the end of the semester. If upon completion of the 32nd credit hour the GPA falls below 3.0 (3.3 for Pre-Vet, Pre-Med and Pre-PT), the student will need to re-apply for admission upon re-establishing the minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 (3.3 for Pre-Vet, Pre-Med and Pre-PT).

  2. Attainment and maintenance of a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (3.3 for Pre-Vet, Pre-Med and Pre-PT);
  3. Competence in basic skills such as: Successful completion (grade of “C” or better) of Principles of Biology I and II, or equivalent; successful completion of Pre-Calculus, or College Algebra and Trigonometry, or Statistics/Biostatistics, or equivalent; written and oral communication.

    NOTE: Candidates achieving below the passing score will be provided a Skills/Academic Enhancement Plan written by the candidate’s academic advisor and approved by the department. Candidates on such a plan may be Conditionally Admitted (see definition below) to the Pre-Professional Studies program. All conditions must be removed for candidates to pass this Gateway.

  4. Completion and submission of a letter of application to the department chairperson.

    NOTE: The department will review the letter of application and determine who is admitted to the program.

  5. Application to the program must occur before completion of the 90th credit hour.

Gateway Application Procedures

  1. Submit a typewritten letter addressed to the Chairperson, Department of Sciences and Mathematics, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Saint Mary of the Woods, IN 47876. Address the following:
    1. Why have I chosen the Pre-Professional Studies program?
    2. Why have I chosen the specific discipline within the Pre-Professional Studies program (Veterinary, Medical, Dental, PT, OT, etc.)?
    3. What personal qualities will I contribute to the program?
    4. How will I exemplify responsible commitment to the Pre-Professional discipline chosen?
    5. The letter of application should indicate appropriate GPA, explanation of extracurricular and leadership activities, internships and volunteer experiences in the candidate’s desired field of study, and career goals and interests, as they pertain to the Pre-Professional Studies program.
  2. Upon receipt of the letter of application, the letter will be reviewed by all members of the department. Upon acceptance of the letter of application candidates will be scheduled to participate in a formal interview with an evaluation team from the department.

    Candidates should be prepared to discuss the following: a) current personal/professional strengths as a prospective Pre-Professional Studies student; b) how the candidate’s personal dispositions relate to the chosen discipline within Professional Studies; and c) the candidate’s personal plan and timeline for successful completion of the Pre-Professional Studies program as well as matriculation to the Professional level.

    Upon completion of the interview, the department will recommend one of the following:

    1. Unconditional Admittance - Candidate has successfully passed all requirements. Required minimums must be maintained.
    2. Conditional Admittance - Candidate must complete one or more requirements to successfully pass. Candidates who are conditionally admitted will be provided with an Academic Enhancement Plan written by their academic advisor and approved by the department. Candidates must submit a new letter of application to request that their admission status be changed from Conditional to Unconditional within one academic year or other date determined by the department. If there is no change in status or no re-application occurs, the candidate will be removed from the program.
    3. Not Admitted - Candidate has not passed. This status may pertain to students who do not display the appropriate dispositions, values, attitudes or skills that are necessary for success in the Pre-Professional Studies program.
  3. The department will make final decisions and inform candidates of their status within one month after the interview is complete.
  4. The grade of “C” or better must be obtained in all courses required for the major. A minimum GPA of 3.0 (3.3 for Pre-Vet, Pre-Med and Pre-PT) must be achieved/maintained.
  5. At least 50% of all earned credits for the major courses must be completed at SMWC.