
Department of Music and Theatre

Music Area Mission Statement

The Music Area functions as part of the Department of Music and Theatre within the liberal arts framework of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. The Music Area is dedicated to offering degrees, programs, and courses designed to prepare students as musicians, music therapists, and appreciators of music. A common core liberal arts music curriculum is central to all undergraduate music degree programs.

Music Area Goals

These degrees and programs are designed to foster:

  • A broad background of musical experiences
  • Development of competent musicianship
  • Development of capabilities in the use of principles and procedures that lead to an intellectual grasp of the art.
  • Development of ability to perform appropriate to student’s area of study,

Auditions for all prospective majors, minors, and equivalency students (music and music therapy) are required. Prospective music therapy majors also complete an interview with the music therapy faculty following music auditions.

Study of the applied major (primary instrument) and ensemble participation are required each semester. It is expected that each student will practice at least one hour per day for each applied instrument (voice, piano, or other) studied. Applied music examinations (juries) are held at the end of each semester. Each student must perform at least one composition for each hour of primary-level credit undertaken. Memorization is required of piano and vocal students. Attendance at all music programs and Convocations is required.

All music majors must demonstrate piano proficiency in the areas of: 1) All major and minor scales, as well as other scales and modes deemed appropriate by the music faculty, 2) Harmonization of melody, 3) Transposition, 4) Accompanying, and 5) Sight playing. Music Therapy majors must demonstrate additional competencies specific to their area of study. All music majors are required to register for applied or class piano each semester until they pass the piano proficiency examination. Music and music therapy majors will not be allowed more than three attempts to pass all proficiency and competency exams. Any substitutions for on-campus study of applied or class piano must be approved by the piano faculty and the student’s advisor. The piano proficiency exam must be passed before a student is eligible to begin a music therapy internship. All components of the piano proficiency exam must be passed before a student receives a degree in Music.

All programs in Music are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music. All music therapy programs are approved by the American Music Therapy Association.

Transfer policy: For students pursuing any major or minor in music, at least one half of total music credits, and one half of required ensemble and applied credits, must be completed at SMWC.

The department offers the following majors and minors: