Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Appendix D: Alcohol and Drug Policy for Students

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is committed to providing a safe environment for students, employees, and visitors. Furthermore, the College is committed to assuring its continued representation as a quality institution. To achieve these goals, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College must take a firm and positive stand against drug and alcohol abuse. This policy is intended to ensure a drug free environment for our students, employees, and visitors.

Policy Requirement

The use, possession, sale, or transfer of an illegal drug by any student on College property is strictly prohibited.

Possession, distribution, or consumption of alcoholic beverages while on the property of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is not permitted except at official events catered by Food Service personnel and those served must be 21 years of age or older.

No alcohol containers, whether empty or full, are to be used for decoration in resident rooms.


Students may be required to consult with the College Counselor to find a program that will help deal with any drug or alcohol problems.

Students may be required to attend regular counseling sessions with the College Counselor and/or enroll in a substance abuse program.

Disciplinary Action

A report will be written and submitted to Student Affairs for any student found in possession of illegal drugs or alcohol.

Following the report submission, the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or designee may choose to forward the report to the College Conduct Board. The College Conduct Board reviews reported incidents and recommends disciplinary sanctions should they feel that the evidence supports a policy violation. The College Conduct Board is advised by the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs.

The student will be scheduled to appear before the College Conduct Board. The board will review the report and give an appropriate sanction. Sanctions may include one or more of the following sanctions:

  • Community Service
  • Monetary Fine
  • Counseling
  • Meeting with the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs

If the incident is deemed to be severe, the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs may choose to consult with the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs to review options. This options may include:

  • Required Counseling
  • Required Alcohol or Drug Program
  • Suspension
  • Dismissal