AGR 2160 | World Population and Food: SS3 | 3 |
ANT 1001 | Cultural Anthropology: SS3 | 3 |
ANT 1003 | Intro to Archaeology: SS3 | 3 |
ANT 1208 | Arch.of World Rock Art: SS3 | 3 |
ANT 2115 | Native Peoples of North America: GT-SS3 | 3 |
ANT 2125 | Anth of Religion: SS3 | 3 |
ANT 2550 | Medical Anthropology: SS3 | 3 |
COM 1250 | Interpersonal Comm: SS3 | 3 |
COM 2300 | Intercultural Comm: SS3 | 3 |
CRJ 1010 | Intro to Criminal Justice: SS3 | 3 |
ECO 1001 | Econ Of Social Issues: SS1 | 3 |
ECO 2001 | Prin of Macroeconomics: SS1 | 3 |
ECO 2002 | Prin of Microeconomics: SS1 | 3 |
ECO 2045 | Environmental Economics: SS1 | 3 |
HIS 1310 | Western Civ:Antiquity-1650: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 1320 | Western Civ: 1650-Present: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 1110 | The World: Antiquity-1500: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 1120 | The World: 1500-Present: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 1210 | US History to Reconst: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 1220 | US History since Civil War: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2005 | Women in World History: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2125 | American Environment Hist: GT-HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2115 | American Indian History: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2105 | Women in U.S. History: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2135 | Colorado History: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2130 | Hist of American West: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2145 | US History Since 1945: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2610 | Hist of Modern China: GT-HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2200 | History of Latin America: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2015 | 20th Century World History: HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2500 | History-Islamic Civilization: GT-HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2310 | Hist Christianity in World: GT-HI1 | 3 |
HIS 2120 | US Foreign Relations History: GT-HI1 | 3 |
JOU 1005 | Introduction to Mass Media: SS3 | 3 |
PSC 2020 | Intro to Political Science: SS1 | 3 |
PSC 1011 | American Government: SS1 | 3 |
PSC 1025 | Amer State and Local Govt: SS1 | 3 |
PSC 2005 | International Relations: SS1 | 3 |
PSC 1050 | Current Polit Issues: SS1 | 3 |
PSC 2025 | Comparative Government: SS1 | 3 |
PSY 1001 | General Psychology I: SS3 | 3 |
PSY 1002 | General Psychology II : SS3 | 3 |
PSY 2105 | Psychology of Gender: SS3 | 3 |
PSY 2107 | Human Sexuality: SS3 | 3 |
PSY 2221 | Social Psychology: SS3 | 3 |
PSY 2222 | Psychology of Death/Dying: SS3 | 3 |
PSY 2440 | Human Growth & Developmnt: SS3 | 3 |
PSY 2441 | Child Development: SS3 | 3 |
PSY 2552 | Psychopathology: SS3 | 3 |
PSY 2771 | Psychology of Personality: SS3 | 3 |
SOC 1001 | Intro to Sociology I: SS3 | 3 |
SOC 1002 | Intro to Sociology II: SS3 | 3 |
SOC 2005 | Soc Of Family Dynamics:SS3 | 3 |
SOC 2007 | Environmental Sociology:SS3 | 3 |
SOC 2015 | Contemp. Social Problems: SS3 | 3 |
SOC 2016 | Sociology Of Gender: SS3 | 3 |
SOC 2018 | Sociology of Diversity: SS3 | 3 |
SOC 2020 | Sociology of Religion: SS3 | 3 |
SOC 2031 | Sociology-Deviant Behavior:SS3 | 3 |
SOC 2037 | Sociolgy Of Death&Dying: SS3 | 3 |