Advanced Costuming Certificate

Certificate Requirements

The Advanced Costuming Certificate is appropriate for those who want to prepare for a career in costume design. Upon completion of the courses, you will be prepared for entry-level employment in costume and fashion careers as stitchers, wardrobe assistants, and costume shop assistants. You should consult with the Program Director of Theatre Arts and Dance early in your college career to explore all of your educational options. You must earn a C or higher in all theatre courses to graduate.

This certificate is intended for a two-semester course of study.

Required Courses

THE 1031Theatre Production I


THE 2002Intermed Costume Construction


THE 1008Theatre Script Analysis: AH1


THE 1009Basics of Pattern Drafting


THE 2022Millinery & Costume Accessory


THE 2045Bas Costume Design/Constructn


Total Credit Hours: 18