Computer Science Certificate

The Computer Science Certificate emphasis at Red Rocks Community College prepares students in an entry-level position in the fields involving software applications, programming, junior programmer, software support technician and software tester. Topics include fundamental programming and Computer Science curriculum in both C++ and Python programming languages and fundamentals of the Unix operating system. Students focus on design and problem solving algorithms working on the programming life cycle of analysis, design, implement, test and maintain.

Certificate Requirements

Certificate Prerequisite: Working knowledge of computers and computer basics.

Required Courses

CSC 1060Computer Science I: (Language)


CSC 1061Computer Sci II: (Language)


CSC 2025Computr Arch/Assembly Language


MAT 1340College Algebra: GT-MA1


Total Credit Hours:16

Choose one of the following:

CSC 1029Introduction to Secure Coding


CSC 2065Discrete Structures


Faculty advisor-approved electiveFaculty advisor-approved elective


Total Credit Hours:3

Total Credit Hours: 19