Academic Integrity

Everyone associated with the college’s academic community has a responsibility for establishing, maintaining, and fostering understanding and respect for academic integrity. The following principles are associated with academic integrity:

  • Cite (give credit for) words and/or ideas in an academic exercise that are not expressly your own.
  • Use information, computer programs, another person’s work, study aids and/or other materials only when allowed by the instructor.
  • Remove materials from the library, labs, and other college facilities only when an official representative of the college grants permission.
  • Use copyrighted materials only with permission.
  • Refuse to help another commit an act of academic dishonesty.
  • Use only the resources specifically allowed when completing a test or other assignment.

Academic dishonesty is the intentional act of fraud when an individual claims credit for the work of another, uses unauthorized materials, or fabricates information in any scholarly exercise. Academic dishonesty also includes, but is not limited to:

  • forging educational documents
  • damaging or destroying the works of another; or
  • assisting others in acts of academic deception.

If you are aware of an incident of academic dishonesty, please report the occurrence to a faculty member, department chair, or administrator. Those committing academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action, such as failing the assignment or course and/or expulsion from the course or college.