EDU 5140 Teaching English as a New Language

(formerly EDU 514; formerly Teaching English Language Learners (ELLS))
This course will address the needs of English as a New Language (ENL) from the vantage point of language acquisition, culture, theory and practice. Participants are expected to demonstrate comprehension of the problems faced by ENL and bilingual students in classroom settings and to implement methods of assisting these students to maximize their learning potential. The course will assist participants in developing a necessary frame of reference for the education of bilingual and ENL students. This course will provide an overview of the cultural, theoretical and practical aspects of teaching speakers of English as a new language of all age groups and language proficiency levels. Instructional design, evaluation and classroom management strategies tailored to the needs of ENL and bilingual students will be considered. Focus will also be placed on lesson planning and materials development to meet the needs of ENL and bilingual students in sheltered content instruction. Field Component: Formal observation of classes with ELLs and/or evaluation of ESL (English as a Second Language) curricula will be required.



