EDU 6140 Qualitative Research

(formerly EDU 614)

This course will introduce participants to various approaches to designing and implementing qualitative research including concepts, methods and related issues as it is conducted in educational settings. The techniques for and issues in gathering, analyzing and reporting qualitative data will be examined. This course aims to provide participants with an introduction to theoretical perspectives, which underlie each methodological approach. It will also examine how qualitative researchers have used critical perspectives (critical race, feminist (dis)ability) to inform their research methodologies. More specifically, this class will ask students to critically examine how the research we do both advances and undermines struggles for social justice. Participants will have opportunities to explore the theoretical and philosophical foundations of qualitative inquiry while applying these principles in a research project. As an outcome, participants will gain hands-on experience in various qualitative methods and analysis techniques while carrying out a pilot research project related to their area of interest and social justice and equity.



