2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook


Currently enrolled students are expected to schedule courses for the upcoming semester during the pre-registration period that begins in the 10th full week of the semester. Registration priority is determined by credit hours completed. In order to register for courses, a student must receive clearance from the Business Office and the academic advisor. Students are responsible for arranging the advising session with their academic advisor, usually one to two days prior to registration. After meeting with their advisor, students will submit their registration online via WebAdvisor on the MyMarietta portal. To receive academic credit for a course, a student must be registered for the course during the term in which the work is done.

Registration forms for individualized study, including internships, directed research, and tutorships, must be approved by the appropriate College officials and submitted to the Records Office no later than Friday of the second week of the semester. Individualized studies earning fewer than 3 credit hours or arranged after the second week of the term may be considered for late registration upon consultation with the Registrar.

Changing Courses

Students may change their course schedule electronically through the last Friday before the semester begins. Changes made after this time require submission of the appropriate paperwork, including advisor consent, to the Records Office. The College interprets the submission of the Course Add/Drop form or Withdrawal form to indicate that the student understands how the requested course changes affect their progress toward the degree. Students receiving financial aid or veterans benefits must meet with the appropriate official in Financial Services.

For any physical education courses meeting fewer than the normal 15 weeks of the semester, the add/drop/withdrawal periods will be prorated by the chair of the Department of Health and Physical Education. For other courses meeting fewer than the normal 15 weeks of the semester, the add/drop/withdrawal periods will be pro-rated by the Registrar of the College.

Changing courses within the first two weeks of the semester (add/drop period)

To change courses, the student may obtain a Course Add/Drop form from the Records Office. This form allows students to add courses until the end of the first week of classes and drop courses from their schedule until the end of the second week of classes. To complete the form, the student must obtain the signature of his or her advisor. Courses dropped during this period will not be recorded on the student’s transcript.

The Registrar may be consulted for permission to add courses during the second week of the semester with instructor permission.

Withdrawing from courses after the add/drop period

Students may not withdraw from the Pioneer Path courses PIO 101, 102, and 201; WRIT 102 College Composition, COMM 203 Fundamentals of Communication, or FYE 112 Cultural Transitions. Any exception to this policy can be made only by the Assistant Dean for the First Year Seminar for PIO 101, 102 or FYE 112, the chair of the Department of English for WRIT 060/110, and the chair of the Department of Communication for COMM 101.

A student has the option to withdraw from any courses except those noted above. Students withdrawing from courses after the second week of classes must obtain a Withdrawal form from the Records Office. This form, once completed and signed by the student, must be signed by the course instructor and the student’s advisor to verify that they have been consulted. If the signed form is returned to the Records Office by the end of the 9th week of classes, a grade of W will be assigned. If this is done after the 9th week of classes, a grade of WF will be assigned. The course and grade will appear on the student’s transcript. Refer to the section on Grading System below for more details.

For any physical education courses meeting fewer than the normal 15 weeks of the semester, the add/drop/withdrawal periods will be prorated by the chair of the Department of Health and Physical Education. For other courses meeting fewer than the normal 15 weeks of the semester, the add/drop/withdrawal periods will be pro-rated by the Registrar of the College.

Waitlisted Courses

If a course is closed (filled to capacity), a student may elect to be added to a waitlist. Prior to the start of the term, when a seat becomes available in a waitlisted course, the first student on the waitlist will be notified by email. The student will be given three days to contact the Records Office and accept or decline the available seat. If the opening is declined or there is no response by the end of the third day, the student will be dropped from the waitlist and the next student on the list will be granted permission to enroll in the course. In order to benefit from this process, students will need to check their Marietta College email account regularly.

Auditing courses

Courses may be audited by individuals interested in the topic and who do not wish to receive academic credit for their participation. Regularly enrolled students are permitted to audit courses within the maximum load of 18 credit hours without charge, but must first secure written permission from the course instructor. Courses selected by a student for auditing may not be changed for credit, or vice versa, after the end of the second week of classes. Students who register to audit a course but stop attending may be administratively withdrawn from the course and assigned a grade of W (see Grading section) at the discretion of the registrar.