2024-2025 Traditional Undergraduate Student Handbook

Personal Injury to Self

In times of great distress, people might engage in harmful, self-injurious behaviors. Examples of such behavior are eating disorders or other lifestyle habits that cause health risks, repeated remarks about or seeming infatuation with death or suicide, self-mutilation, or actual suicide attempts. LBC recognizes that those who are finding self-harm a reasonable alternative to facing the difficulties of this world need others to come alongside them and lend direction and support during crisis. LBC has created a response plan to address and provide guidance in situations where a student engages in self-harm. Depending on the nature of the situation, LBC may choose to respond in a variety of ways, which may include accountability, counseling, psychological assessment, treatment, or adjustment to residential living arrangement. In every situation, attempts will be made to allow the student to have the opportunity to choose a healthy response.

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