2019-2020 Traditional Undergraduate Student Handbook

Health and Wellness Center

Physical well-being is an important factor of being a student.

On-Campus Personnel and Facilities – A nurse is available in the Health and Wellness Center Office Monday through Friday, 8am-2pm. The nurse’s office is located in upper Miller Hall and a dispensary is maintained to supply basic first aid. The Health and Wellness Center Office phone number is 717 .560 .8215 or the nurse may be reached by cell phone at 717 .682 .1859. A Resident Assistant will be the first point of contact in an emergency. When appropriate, local emergency medical personnel may be reached by dialing 911. Local hospitals and emergency rooms are within five to ten minutes of the college.

Students are at liberty to consult a physician of their own choice for diagnosis and/ or treatment. For names of physicians, dentists, or other specialists, see the school nurse. Students are responsible for making their own arrangements for transportation. Resident students should keep the campus nurse informed of all illnesses requiring a doctor’s intervention.