Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Grading System

In harmony with the score obtained by students in each course they take, Inter American University of Puerto Rico normally uses the following scale to award their grades:

Score Grade
100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-0 F

There are other grading scales for certain academic programs and for certain courses. Course grades indicate the degree of a student’s achievement in any given course. The University has established a quality point system to be used in accumulating and summarizing these grades. This quality point system is used to determine the minimum degree of general competence for graduation and for continuing in the Program at any level and to assign special honors to students who excel. Grades are reported in accordance with the following grading system:

A Superior academic achievement; 4 honor points per credit hour.
B Above average academic achievement; 3 honor points per credit hour.
C Average academic achievement; 2 honor points per credit hour.
F Failure in academic achievement; no honor point per credit hour.
P Passing; this grade is assigned to students satisfying the requirements in courses taken by proficiency examinations and for courses in which such a grade is required. This grade is not included in the computation of the grade point index.

Not passing; this grade is assigned to students who fail in the courses indicated under the grade P. This grade is not included in the computation of the grade point index.


Dissertation in progress. This grade is assigned to indicate progress in the development of the dissertation but that, at the end of the academic term, there is still work to be completed. The student will have until the last day of classes of the next academic term to complete the expected activity or material. 


Project in progress. This grade is assigned to indicate progress in the development of the project but that, at the end of the academic term, there is still work to complete. The student will have until the last day of classes of the next academic term to complete the expected activity or material. 


Thesis in progress. This grade is assigned to indicate progress in the development of the thesis but that, at the end of the academic term, there is still work to be completed. The student will have until the last day of classes of the next academic term to complete the expected activity or material.  

Only courses completed at Inter American University are included in the computation of the grade point index. The grade point index is determined by dividing the total number of honor quality points by the total number of credits completed with grades A, B, C, or F. The grade of D is not given at the graduate level.