Legal Studies

Director of Legal Studies and Pre-Law Advisor

Sandra B. Self, J.D., Haggerton Chair of Political Science


HSU Box 16232


The HSU Legal Studies Program includes a unique undergraduate multidisciplinary minor consisting of 18 credits of law and law-related courses. Knowledge of the law and legal systems is important for students interested in pursuing a wide array of degrees and career paths. Future lawyers, business professionals, social workers, educators, lobbyists, personnel administrators, politicians, law enforcement and corrections officers, are just a few examples of careers which frequently encounter legal issues. The Legal Studies minor provides undergraduate students with an opportunity to become familiar with legal ideas, legal institutions, and the legal process. It is designed to provide tools for the reasoned appraisal of how the law works and of the policies that underlie it.

All legal studies and pre-law students must contact the Legal Studies/Pre-law Director every semester in order to receive the most current information on course offerings, scheduling, and scholarships.