Counseling and Human Development, M.Ed.

Offering an MEd in Counseling & Human Development (60 hours) and a MA in Human Development (30 hours).

Dr. R. Scott Brown, Program Director

The HSU Department of Counseling and Human Development offers a professionally oriented degree program that prepares individuals for counselor positions in a variety of settings, including addictions rehabilitation facilities, community mental health agencies, private practice, public and private schools, two-year or four-year colleges/universities and related human service settings. The program is committed to the enhancement of human development and emotional health across the lifespan. The program is also invested in promoting optimal potential in all individuals to facilitate their maximum participation in, and contribution to, a better society. With an emphasis on therapeutic counseling, the program encourages holistic, theoretical, pragmatic, and innovative intervention approaches. The program is dedicated to the preparation of professional counselors who are sensitive to the diversity and uniqueness of individuals, families, and communities by promoting the dignity, worth, potential, and well-being of all people.

COHD Mission Statement

The mission of the graduate program in Counseling and Human Development is to achieve excellence in preparing students representing diverse backgrounds to serve as professional counselors in addictions rehabilitation facilities, schools, and other settings as cited above, and to gain a better understanding of themselves and others. This holistic approach to counselor education is additionally enlightened by faith which challenges individuals intellectually in our culturally diverse, contemporary world.

Licensure as a Professional Counselor

Texas provides for licensing of professional counselors. Individuals who desire to qualify as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) must complete an appropriate 60 graduate semester hour master’s degree program, achieve an acceptable score on the Texas Jurisprudence Examination, the National Counselor Examination (NCE), and complete a required post-master’s degree supervised internship. HSU’s MEd degree in Counseling and Human Development is designed to meet the required academic content areas, as well as the practicum/internship, of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors.

Certificate Program for School Counselors

In addition to completing the MEd degree in counseling and human development, candidates for professional counselor certification by the State Board for Educator Certification must fulfill the following requirements: (1) hold a valid teacher’s certificate, (2) complete two years of teaching experience, and (3) achieve a passing score on the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). Incoming students must declare at the beginning of their program the desire to be certified as a School Counselor. For more information about counselor certification, contact the chairman of the HSU Department of Counseling and Human Development or HSU’s teacher certification officer.

Admission Criteria

Applicants to the MEd program in counseling and human development must hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Admission to the program requires the Program Director’s endorsement, which will be based upon evaluation of the following criteria:

  1. Prior academic achievement, which will be evaluated with consideration given to (a) overall GPA, (b) overall upper-level GPA, (c) previous graduate course work, if any, (d) dates of completion of previous academic work, and (e) related professional experience.
  2. A written statement of purpose concerning the applicant’s reason for applying and how the completion of the program will serve the applicant’s career goals.
  3. Vita/Resume.
  4. Three recommendations, at least one of which speaks to the applicant’s academic potential and one which speaks to the applicant’s potential to succeed in the profession of counseling and psychotherapy.
  5. An interview with the program director and faculty.


There are no specified courses; however, the program director evaluates each applicant’s academic background and may recommend specific courses.

Departmental Endorsement

A personal interview with the Program Director and faculty is required of all prospective graduate students in counseling and human development before admission to the Graduate School. After the personal interview and a review of previously completed academic work, prospective students may be recommended for admission. A positive recommendation by the program director or designated representative is required for admission. Official notification of admission (or denial of admission) will be communicated by the Office of Admission.

Upon approval and recommendation of the Program Director in counseling and human development, students who do not meet any of the criteria listed may be allowed to take additional upper-division semester-hours of course work in the behavioral sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology, social work, criminal justice, and education— also known as interdisciplinary studies). These semester-hours must be determined and approved by the program director in counseling and human development. A minimum GPA of 3.00 must be earned in these semester-hours of leveling work. After successful completion of the required leveling work, students may be considered for recommendation by the program director for admission.


Note: By action of the Graduate Council and graduate faculty, all students must have a minimum of 50% of their curriculum in 6000 level courses.

Curriculum for 60 hour MEd program

Complete the following:


COHD 6305Intro to Research Techniques


COHD 6308Professional Orientation


COHD 6310Prof/Legal/Ethical Respons


COHD 6315Human Growth and Development


COHD 6320Psychological Aspects of Adult Developme


COHD 6330Psychology of Mental Health


COHD 6332Diagnosis of Psychopathology


COHD 6333Forensic Psyc in Addictions Counseling


COHD 6335Professional Counseling I


COHD 6340Professional Counseling II


COHD 6345Group Counseling


COHD 6350Cross Cultural Counseling I


COHD 6353Counseling With Couples and Families


COHD 6355Substance Abuse Counseling


COHD 6357Advanced Addiction Counseling


COHD 6358Neuroscience in Addictions Counseling


COHD 6360Career Counseling


COHD 6365Assessment in Prof Counsel I


COHD 6375Practicum in Counseling I


COHD 6376Practicum in Counseling II


Total Credit Hours: 60

Comprehensive Exam

All students must take a comprehensive examination during the last semester of graduate work. This exam is administered, and content determined by a comprehensive exam committee appointed by the program director and approved by the dean of the school or college that houses the academic program.

Graduation Requirements

Successful completion of the 60 graduate academic hours, practicum and internship requirements, followed by the successful completion of the comprehensive examination, fulfills the graduation requirements for the Master of Education degree in Counseling and Human Development. Completion of the 30 graduate semester hour program followed by successful completion of a comprehensive exam fulfills the graduation requirements for the Master of Arts degree in Human Development.