Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Policy

This policy applies to all users of the College computing and electronic networks resources, whether affiliated with the College or not, and to all uses of the system, on the campuses or from remote locations. By using the computing resources of the College users consent to use such resources in accordance with and subject to this Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Policy.

Access to and use of the Delaware Technical Community College computing and electronic networks resources are privileges granted to students, staff, faculty and members of the College community for academic, research, operational and administrative purposes. Electronic networks are comprised of computing facilities, equipment, systems and personnel. Use of these resources includes accessing listservs, World Wide Web pages, electronic mail, application software, and any other electronic communication. Use of the Delaware Tech computer and electronic networks is a privilege and all members of the College community who utilize these resources are expected to do so in an efficient, effective, appropriate, ethical, and legal manner that supports the mission of the institution.

Failure to adhere to this Policy, applicable State, local government and Federal laws and regulations, other College Board of Trustees policies and related administrative procedures may result in suspension or revocation of network privileges. Willful or intentional misuse could result in disciplinary action or criminal prosecution under applicable state and federal statutes. Additional policies and procedures may apply to specific computers or computer systems at the various College property locations. Delaware Tech will not provide a legal defense for any illegal use of its electronic facilities, equipment, or software, or any activities found to constitute violations of this Policy.

Users who violate this policy may be subject to suspension and/or revocation of network privileges, to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, for staff and faculty, as outlined in the College Personnel Policy Manual and for students outlined in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy and may be subject to criminal prosecution.

All users of the College electronic networks must:

Comply with all federal, state, and other applicable laws; all applicable Delaware Technical Community College policies and procedures; and all applicable contracts and licenses. These laws, policies, and licenses include, but are not limited to, the areas of libel, copyright, privacy, obscenity, and child pornography; the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which prohibit unauthorized "hacking," "cracking," and other similar acts; The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT ACT) which authorizes electronic eavesdropping; the College Personnel Policy Manual, which includes the College's Policy Statement on Sexual Harassment and Conduct and Corrective Action; the College's Student Rights and Responsibilities policy, the State of Delaware Acceptable Use Policy; and all applicable computer contracts and software licenses, which prohibit the distribution of "warez" (copyrighted software).

Utilize only those electronic resources authorized by the College and use those resources in the manner and to the extent of that authorization. All accounts assigned to users are non-transferable. All accounts and passwords must be kept confidential and may not be released to or shared with any other party other than those authorized by the College. A user's ability to access College networks, resources, and accounts do not imply authorization to do so. It is the responsibility of users to secure all necessary and proper authorizations before proceeding on College systems.

Refrain from using College resources for any commercial activities or for personal financial purposes. These restrictions include, but are not limited to, conducting a business enterprise form the system, sending commercial advertising messages, or solicitations for non-College related organizations from the system.

Utilize all electronic and computing resources efficiently. The College reserves the right to monitor usage and content, restrict and/or prohibit excessive nonacademic or non-work related use of the network for downloading or transferring files or to impose or to apply other limitations or restrictions on computing resources such as time limits, storage space or amount of particular resources consumed by users to ensure legal and effective administration of the systems and fair access for all users. Refrain from stating or implying that they speak on behalf of or represent Delaware Technical Community College without proper authorization to do so. This prohibition includes use of the College logo in computer communications. Use of College computing and electronic networks and affiliation with College programs does not imply authorization to represent the College to outside organizations. Use of the official College logo or seal on College electronic resources may only be authorized, in advance, by the Vice President and Campus Director at the campuses and by the President for the Office of the President or when applicable to college-wide projects.