ECI 650 Empowering Student Voice

Participants emerge from this course with an implementation plan to empower student voice and evidence of learning in their K-12 settings as indicated in their National Boards portfolio entry. This course presents opportunities to work in a group setting online, to collaborate in a virtual cohort and share ideas. Candidates will develop strong unit plans containing specific goals to use for student assessment. Candidates will participate in answering questions with a variety of people from diverse content areas pursuing National Board Certification. This benefits all participants in the class as they can identify weaknesses in writing, ask probing questions, and seek more information to write a cohesive and complete entry. The rationale for this course is to identify areas of strong evidence supported work and look at areas of improvement. Through feedback provided in this cohort, the candidate is expected to improve their writing to reflect the three styles: descriptive, analytical and reflective using clear and concise answers to the prompts designed by National Board. The relevance for this course provides collaboration of experienced professionals pursuing the National Board certification through an online forum, accessible resources to motivate well planned responses and the process broken down into manageable sections for completion. Spreadsheets, organizers, useful resources and feedback from a trained facilitator is included in all courses.




By Program Director