Graduate Expenses per Semester 2022-2023


Master of Accountancy, per credit hour $      665
Master of Business Administration, per credit hour         665
Master of Education, per credit hour 610
Master of Arts in Teaching, per credit hour 610
Master of Science in Educational Leadership, per credit hour 610
Master of Science in Data Science, per credit hour  680
Master of Science in Computer Information Systems, per credit hour 680
Master of Science in Engineering Management, per credit hour 680
Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies Program
                 Physician Assistant tuition per semester $ 13,110
                 Physician Assistant Studies Program fees per semester 1,500

Other Fees

Application Fee, all programs excluding Graduate Education, Engineering & Physician Assistant Studies (payable once) Non-Refundable     $    50
Application Fee, Graduate Education (payable only once) Non-Refundable 35
Application Fee, Graduate Engineering (payable only once) Non-Refundable 75
Tuition Deposit, International students only, ($500 refundable if visa application is denied) 550
Books, per credit hour 23
Late Registration Fee 250
Intern/Student Teaching Fee 150
LiveText online portfolio 140
EdTPA (third party evaluation as required by CAEP, our accrediting body) 300
EdTPA management fee, per course (CIED 672, CIED 661, EDUC 420) 150
Alternative Licensure Type I/II Fee 650
MSEL Administrative Professional Experience Fee 150
MSEL Practicum Fee 625
Experiential Credit Assessment Fee 50
Experiential Credit Posting Fee 100
Experiential Credit Graduate, per credit hour fee 150
Returned Check Charge 30
Graduation Fee (Non-Refundable)* 130
Payment Plan Enrollment, per semester 40
Payment Plan Late Fee 20

All tuition and fees are subject to change at any time when circumstances so warrant. Information on indirect costs (books, transportation, etc.) is available in the Student Financial Aid Office.

* The graduation fee is applied at the beginning of the semester in which graduation is anticipated. This application fee is applicable for one year. After this time, students who have not completed their degree requirements will be removed from the graduation list, and they must reapply for graduation, as well as repay the graduation fee.