2024-2025 Catalog

Advanced Manufacturing Technician (Certificate)

Program Advisor: José R. Colmenares

413-236-4695 • jcolmenares@berkshirecc.edu 

The Advanced Manufacturing Technician (AMT) program draws heavily from the Mechatronics Associates degree yet also provides enough hands-on and experiential learning to provide students the skills needed to quickly enter the region's manufacturing industry. Students would be able to continue their education by stacking this certificate towards completing their Associates Degree in Mechatronics. This certificate represents the first half of the Mechatronics degree and depending on career wish, students may complete the AMT only and find an entry level job or complete a Mechatronics degree and find a mid-level job in local manufacturing. Starting as AMT and continuing to Mechatronics after a few years, with financial support from the employer, is a likely scenario as well.

Mechatronics is defined as a multidisciplinary field which combines electronics and mechanical engineering technologies. The term was coined by Tetsuro Mori, an engineer from Yasakawa electric corporation in 1969. With the inclusion of electromechanical system is nearly all facets of industrial technology more undergraduate programs, both at the bachelors and associates’ level have been developed in US. colleges and universities, including several community colleges such as Virginia Western Community College, Motlow State Community College and Central Community College Nebraska amongst others.

The Advanced Manufacturing Technician at Berkshire Community College will offer students a career path towards the operation of electro-mechanical systems with a focus of manufacturing technology. Students will acquire basic skills on the fields of electronics, manufacturing, automation and design. This program is tailored for students with hands-on learning interests, and not the abstract theoretical differential calculus based concepts of more traditional engineering programs. This program addresses the increasing needs of local and global industries for well-rounded technical professionals that can quickly adapt to changes in modern technology.

Admissions Requirements

Students with a High School diploma or equivalent who meet Berkshire Community College admission requirements can be admitted to the Advanced Manufacturing Technician program. Depending on the student’s previously completed mathematics courses a placement test might be administered requiring additional mathematics instruction as determined by the student advisory office.

Expected Outcomes

Graduates from BCC Advanced Manufacturing Technician program will be able to apply fundamental principles of mathematics, physics and engineering to solve technical challenges from both a mechanical and electronics perspective, which include:

  • Maintaining industrial and electronic equipment, with emphasis on manufacturing processes
  • Transform materials into finished products with the use of advanced manufacturing skills
  • Evaluate technical schematics with the aid of specialized engineering software
  • Efficiently communicate in a written, oral and graphical manner as a member of a technical team, both in technical and with specific ability to identify and interpret information required for success
  • Understanding the rapid-changing nature of manufacturing technology and the need for continuous learning and professional development
  • Demonstrating professional values of Integrity, Service, Sustainability and respect for Diversity and Inclusion during their professional and personal lives

Graduation Requirements

Students will need to have a demonstrated ability of College-level reading and writing

Program Courses

MAT-102College Algebra


ENT-122Introduction to Computer Aided Design


PHY-111AThe Ideas of Physics


COM or BUS Elective (3)


ENT-129Introduction to Electricity & Electronics


ENT-151Introduction to Manufacturing


ENT-185Engineering Computer Applications


EXL-225Experiential Learning I


Total Credit Hours:28

Suggested Pathway to Graduation

First Semester

PHY-111AThe Ideas of Physics


ENT-122Introduction to Computer Aided Design


COM or BUS Elective (3)


MAT-102College Algebra


Second Semester

ENT-129Introduction to Electricity & Electronics


ENT-151Introduction to Manufacturing


ENT-185Engineering Computer Applications


EXL-225Experiential Learning I
