2021-2022 Catalog

Marijuana Use

This policy was developed in response to the passage of 2016 Ballot Question #4, which now permits the personal possession, use, distribution and cultivation of marijuana in limited amounts, effective December 15, 2016, in Massachusetts.  This policy revises and replaces the system-wide Medical Marijuana policy that was implemented in January 2013.

Although Massachusetts law permits the use of medical marijuana and the possession, use, distribution and cultivation of marijuana in limited amounts, federal law, including the Federal Controlled Substances Act of 1970, the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, continues to prohibit the possession, use, distribution and/or cultivation of marijuana at educational institutions. Further, as marijuana remains classified as an illegal narcotic under federal law, institutions of higher education that receive federal funding are required to maintain policies prohibiting the possession and use of marijuana on their campuses. Accordingly, under this policy, as well as the system-wide Student Code of Conduct, the possession, use, distribution and cultivation of marijuana, even in limited amounts, remains prohibited on Community College property or at Community College events. Violations of this policy will subject students and employees to disciplinary action, up to an including expulsion or termination in accordance with applicable College policies or collective bargaining agreements.