2019-2020 Catalog

Bulletin Board or Posting Materials on Campus

This policy provides guidelines in terms of time, place and manner of postings on campus. Berkshire Community College (BCC) reserves their right to address concerns or make suggestions related to content of postings in an effort to reinforce the educational mission of the College. The intent of this policy is to contribute to an orderly presentation of information for College members. The College seeks to enhance the academic and social environments of the campus, to promote events consistent with the mission of the College and to continue the support of the academic and social elements of student life.

General Information:

Posting on campus is limited to designated areas by members of the College, departments/programs, registered clubs, and student organizations who wish to advertise on campus on a space available basis. Commercial postings, including solicitations, are allowable in specific areas only.

  • Postings are to be on paper or similar medium as appropriate for adhering to bulletin boards. The maximum size for postings is 11’ x 17’. The Student Engagement Center must approve exceptions to the standard.
  • Postings for not-for-profit organizations pertaining to cultural, educational and social events sponsored by BCC must be stamped for approval by the Student Engagement Center prior to posting.
  • Outside organizations, groups or individuals will not be granted permission to post notices on BCC-only posting areas. All such notices will be removed immediately.
  • No postings are permitted on cars, lockers, personal property, painted, wooden or glass surfaces (i.e. windows & doors) or in stairwells.
  • Postings can be posted for up to three weeks. The Student Engagement Center must approve exceptions to the standard.
  • Only one posting per event per posting board/area is allowed. Postings can be posted up to three weeks in advance of the event and must be removed the day following the event.
  • Tape, paint, or other substances used to convey a message may not be applied to physical surfaces of buildings or grounds on College property.
  • All BCC postings must be approved by Marketing & Communications (marketing@berkshirecc.edu). Any materials posted that are not brand compliant will be removed.

All Postings must include the following information:

  • Name of sponsoring organization, which must be prominently displayed in a central location on the poster.
  • Date, time and location of the event, if appropriate.