Master of Science in Health Services Administration (MS/HSA)

Evelio Velis, M.D., Ph.D., Program Director

Program Overview

The Master of Science in Health Services Administration program (MS/HSA) has been designed to meet the societal need for professionals in the healthcare industry to serve in a variety of leadership roles for organizations that provide health services. The program prepares students to critically evaluate and apply theory and research in all specialty areas of healthcare and administration into their professional work. Graduates are taught to become informed, responsible, and ethical leaders in the community.

Health care administrators are responsible for daily operations, strategic planning, decision-making, policy development, and the administrative functions of an organization. They contribute to the success of an organization and positive outcomes for the communities they serve.

Continued growth is projected for the employment of health care administrators, partly because of the aging population in America and the rising demand for health services. The Affordable Care Act has changed the health care marketplace as well, creating greater demand for health care professionals. Finally, the global pandemic has changed the direction and focus regarding the importance of leadership in healthcare institutions regarding a major crisis. This will support the need for transformational leaders in acute care settings, long-term care practices, home health care, managed care organizations, and health care practitioner group practices.

Students in the MS/HSA program are encouraged to explore the complex issues surrounding healthcare in a pluralistic society, applied ethics, and multicultural health. Students are provided with many opportunities to develop analytical and organizational skills in class and apply these skills through course assignments and internships. Specific areas of study include management, marketing, epidemiology, strategic planning, finance, and continuous quality improvement. The diversely rich student body and faculty, representing many ethnic and cultural backgrounds and communities, support the development of cultural competence. Our faculty includes members with strong academic and professional backgrounds who are dedicated to teaching, performing research, and their continued professional development. The program’s faculty is accessible and supportive, and strives to be always available to students outside the classroom.

The MS/HSA program offers a flexible schedule to meet the needs of working professionals, as well as full-time students. Classes are conveniently scheduled to meet the needs of working health care professionals and are taught by experienced educators. The courses are delivered through synchronous distance education lectures in an online format using Canvas and Webex. The average length of the program is approximately two years. Students are required to successfully complete 36 didactic credit hours and an individualized 3 credit internship/practicum in a specialty area of their choice.

Mission and Philosophy

The Master of Science in Health Services Administration (MS/HSA) offers a high-quality educational experience which reflects the missions of Barry University and the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. The program’s mission is to provide an educational experience which results in transformational leaders for national and international health care organizations. The Program will provide students with opportunities to learn the analytical and organizational skills necessary to solve complex problems and collaborate with other professionals to meet the healthcare needs of a multicultural community in a safe and ethical manner. The educational philosophy of the Program’s faculty is congruent with the philosophy of the University and the College. The faculty believes students are self-directed learners who are responsible for their success in the Program. Faculty members serve as facilitators of learning, where learning leads to knowledge and truth, reflection leads to informed action, and a commitment to social justice leads to collaborative service. The faculty believes diversity of backgrounds and views is essential for discussion and debate. This ultimately leads to a better understanding of the sensitive and complex issues affecting multicultural healthcare.

Program Purpose

The purpose of the Program is to:

  • Prepare graduates as transformational leaders with the required analytical and organizational skills needed by national and international health care organizations;
  • Prepare graduates who will serve as leaders within the profession of health care administrators, advocating for informed action and collaborative service; and
  • Offer opportunities for a culturally and experientially diverse student body and faculty to participate in scholarship and service while meeting the health care needs of a diverse public.

Goals of the Curriculum

Upon successful completion of the Program, all graduates will be able to:

  • Apply leadership skills in strategic planning, community relations, education and finance to effectively and efficiently manage healthcare organizations. (Organizational Skills)
  • Analyze and apply evidence-based practices to support organizational decisions and practices. (Research Skills)
  • Collaborate and communicate with patients, families, and other health care professionals to improve community and population health by uncovering the links between access, quality, cost and resource allocation. (Communication Skills)
  • Use technology to advance and disseminate knowledge that contributes to evidence-based practices and improves patient care outcomes. (Community Involvement)
  • Engage in a management practice that draws upon the principles of ethics, service leadership, belief in life-long learning, and the benefits of a diverse, inclusive community (Professionalism and Diversity).

Student Learning Outcomes

The student learning outcomes for the Program correlate to overarching goals of the curriculum. Upon successfully completing the Program, graduates shall have met the Program’s goals, as evidenced by the ability to:

  • Synthesize outcome data to inform evidence-based strategies, guidelines and policies.
  • Communicate with relevant stakeholders through multiple modalities across health systems.
  • Collaborate with health care system stakeholders to design systems and processes that address the needs of a diverse community.
  • Demonstrate leadership skills to manage changes while optimizing system effectiveness.
  • Secure and leverage resources to operate an effective, sustainable health care organization.
  • Analyze system-level and public policy influence on organization and health outcomes.
  • Demonstrate leadership skills to promote advocacy efforts that include principles of social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Model ethical behaviors and personal integrity when making decisions.

Admission Requirements

  • Admission requires the applicants with a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited or internationally recognized college or university with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B) on a 4.0 scale or better. Those with a GPA below 3.0 will be considered on a case-by-case basis for provisional acceptance.
  • Applicants will be reviewed by the program’s admission committee on a case-by-case basis to determine exemption eligibility.
  • International applicants must meet all requirements for international applicants listed in the general admissions section of the Graduate Catalog.
  • Applicants who do not give evidence of being native English speakers, including those applying for transfer from U.S. Institutions, or who have not graduated from institutions where English is the primary language of instruction must submit a score of 550 or better on the TOEFL examination (213 or higher on the computer-based TOEFL, and 79 or higher on the internet-based TOEFL). The minimum acceptable score may be higher for some programs. The TOEFL may be waived for applicants with a minimum of 24 college level academic credits earned from an institution in which English is the basis of instruction and classroom interaction, or for those who graduate from level 112 of an ELS Language Center’s program.
  • Two letters of recommendation must be submitted in support of graduate work by the applicant’s employer, previous instructor, or professional colleagues. Recommendations must specifically address (1) your potential for becoming an effective health care leader, and (2) examples of leadership potential that you have already exhibited.
  • A Statement of Purpose must accompany your application. Your statement should focus on three areas: (1) the main reason you are choosing health care leadership as a career choice; (2) the main talents, skills, and competencies that you possess that are indicative of your potential as a health care leader; and (3) the reason you are choosing Barry University’s program to help you achieve your goal of becoming a health care leader.
  • A current resume or curriculum vita is required.
  • No GRE/GMAT required for admission to the program.

Admission Process

Students entering the Master of Science in Health Services Administration (MSHSA) are required to have basic computer skills in word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and must be able to complete assignments utilizing all three.

Non-degree, non-matriculating students may enroll. To do so, an application form, a transcript from a regionally accredited undergraduate program or an internationally recognized college/university, indication of a Bachelor’s Degree award, and a nonrefundable application fee must be submitted prior to beginning courses.

Non-degree students may enroll in two courses, but then must fulfill all admission requirements to continue in the program. For those students wishing to transfer from another university, approval may be granted at the discretion of the Program Director for the transfer of up to 6 graduate credits of comparable courses.

Students may enter the program at the start of the Fall or Spring semesters.

The admissions committee for the program will review all applications and may request further information of the applicant. Following review, a letter of acceptance or rejection will be forwarded to the candidate. Admission is on a competitive basis; applicants may meet minimum admission requirements, but may not be selected for admission.

International Students

International students must register for at least nine semester hours of credit in each semester to maintain full-time status. International students must comply with all policies and procedures of the Intercultural and Multicultural Programs (IMP), including, but not limited to presentations, in person, of appropriate documentation prior to the start of each semester. Registration materials will not be processed by the University until international students meet with IMP staff. Every international student must secure and retain health insurance coverage at all times while registered at Barry University.


To request an official transcript, students may order transcripts online at

Transcripts cannot be processed or released if there are outstanding financial obligations to Barry University. For additional information please visit:

Curriculum Description

The course of study consists of fifteen (15) required academic courses and one (1) elective course. An internship/practicum experience is required of all degree-seeking individuals. Students will be required to successfully complete 39 credit hours to fulfill the requirements of the MS/HSA degree. The internship is an integral part of the graduate program in which students work with preceptors in a health care setting and participate in key managerial decision-making processes and projects. Students with more than five years of health care management experiences will be assigned an applied research project instead of the internship as part of the HSA-700. It is important to note that the Program’s curriculum is designed in such a manner that each course establishes the foundation for subsequent courses and enhances the students overall learning experience.

Internship Practicum and Field Experience Requirements

All students of the MS/HSA or MS/HSA--MPH. Dual degree programs are required to complete an Internship Practicum or Field Experience (contingent upon their program of enrollment), as part of their studies and to fulfill graduation requirements. Students in the MS/HSA must complete a minimum of 200 contact hours and MS/HSA—MPH students are required to complete a minimum of 240 hours. Students possessing five or more years of Health Care Management experience will not be required to complete the Internship or Field Experience, however, they will complete an assigned applied research project, HSA 700 “Special Topics in Health Service Administration.”

Placement/Selection of Internship Practicum and Field Experience Preceptor Sites

Students are typically scheduled for enrollment in the Internship Practicum/Field Experience during or immediately following successful completion of their fourth semester of enrollment in their program of study. The decision and/or recommendation for enrollment will be provided by the student’s respective faculty advisor, at their discretion, and the time of enrollment may be modified based on the student’s progress and academic standing in the program.

Students should discuss with their respective faculty advisor, at least one semester prior to enrollment in the Internship Practicum/Field Experience, if there is a specific clinical site at which they wish to complete their hours. Final approval of the student’s preceptor site selection will be made at the discretion of the Program’s Internship/Field Experience coordinator and is subject to approval by the University’s Legal Affairs Office and the ability to obtain a fully executed Affiliation Agreement. In the event that these terms cannot be met, students will be advised/placed at one of the preceptor sites in which the University has a current affiliation agreement.

Registration, Enrollment, and Withdrawals

Students are responsible for notifying their Academic Advisor, the Registrar, and Financial Aid, in writing, should they decide not to attend the University once they register. Should a student register and then decide not to attend class(es), the student will be held accountable for the academic and financial penalties as outlined in the University policy. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate a withdrawal during the designated withdrawal period. Otherwise, an F grade will be issued at the end of the term. Students are required to also notify the University in writing of address and phone changes. The Barry email system is the only authorized method of written communication. Students who choose not to attend mandatory orientation for new students must meet with their advisor prior to attending classes.

A student’s failure to communicate their intentions of withdrawal from the registered course(s) and/or University by the designated deadlines (as provided during the respective Academic Calendar year) will result in the student receiving failing grade(s) in the courses in which they are enrolled and may result in the student being placed on Academic Probation or being automatically dismissed from the program.

Students entering the program must complete, during the first semester of their enrollment, the Health Management Programs Seminar - Introduction to Healthcare Management. Currently enrolled students who did not complete the formerly required workshops, must also complete the seminar. This seminar has been designed to provide an introductory knowledge on the following subjects: healthcare accounting, economics, budgeting and financial management. The students will need to successfully complete the required seminar in order to advance in the program. If the student does not take the seminar in their first semester it will cause delays in registering for other courses. Students who do not complete the seminar after the first attempt will be placed on probation. Students will be given a second chance to complete the seminar. Failure to complete the seminar after the second attempt may lead to academic dismissal. *This is a not-for-credit course. 


All correspondence including messages, meeting requests, and registration notification will be sent to students Barry University e-mail account. No other addresses will be used. Students are responsible for checking e-mails daily and responding in a timely manner (no later than five business days) to any requests.


All students must complete the appropriate registration forms at the beginning of each semester. Registration forms must be signed by your advisor prior to its presentation to Cashier/Business Office (CBO) and the Office of the Registrar. Students who fail to complete registration requirements, including appropriate financial arrangements, before the semester begins will NOT be permitted to attend classes or participate in other University activities.

Financial Aid

Information about loans, scholarships, and other financial aid is available through the Office of Financial Aid. Students bear the responsibility to seek out financial aid information. Scholarship information specific to the Master of Science in Health Services Administration is available in the Program’s office.

Academic Advisement

The Program Director assigns to every student matriculating into the Master of Science in Health Services Administration an academic advisor. Advising assignments may be changed by the Program Director at the request of the student or faculty member. The responsibilities of the students relevant to advisement are:

  • To be aware of the educational objectives of the institution and observe them;
  • To comprehend the institution’s criteria for evaluating student progress in all academic programs;
  • To fulfill the institution’s standards for academic success and continuance in programs for graduation;
  • To understand and complete all degree requirements for graduation that were published at the time the student matriculated; and
  • To make his/her own academic decisions after consultation with the advisor; the advisor’s role is to advise the student, the final decision must be made by the student.

Upsilon PHI Delta Honor Society Membership

Students are eligible to apply for the Upsilon Phi Delta Honor Society after completing three semesters of coursework. Students may not apply for membership during the semester in which they are graduating. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. For additional information, please refer to the Honor Society Membership Criteria available in the Program’s office.

Progression Requirements

A graduate student is in Good Academic Standing if his/her cumulative grade point average (GPA) is 3.00 or above.

Students in good standing will progress through the program following the course sequencing designated by their academic advisor.

Students may only earn a cumulative maximum of 6 semester credit hours (i.e., two (2) C grades) in order to progress in the Program. Students who earn more than 6 semester credit hours (or two (2) grades of C) while enrolled in the Program will be required to repeat one (1) of the courses in which a grade of C was attained. The repeated course selection will be at the student’s discretion and will be contingent upon course offering availability. Students will be required to satisfy this deficiency within a time frame not to exceed two semesters succeeding the term in which the last “C” grade was earned.

Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 throughout the Program. Any student who has been provisionally accepted into the MS/HSA or MS/HSA--MPH Dual Degree programs and obtains a GPA less than 3.0 in the first semester will be dismissed from the program. Fully accepted students or those who earn fully accepted status after their first semester in the program are required to maintain a 3.00 or higher cumulative GPA. Students whose cumulative GPA fall below the required 3.0 will be placed on academic probation, effective in the subsequent semester after which they failed to maintain the progression requirements. Students placed on academic probation must attain a 3.0 or above GPA by the completion of the probationary semester. Students who fail to meet this requirement will be dismissed.

A student who has been dismissed for academic reasons may not petition the Office of Admissions for readmission until one year has elapsed. Readmission is at the discretion of the Admissions Committee and is not guaranteed. Students permitted to re-enter the program after being academically dismissed will meet with their respective Academic Advisor and the Program Director to discuss and establish an individualized curriculum plan. A student’s failure to meet the conditions of the individualized curriculum plan will result in permanent dismissal from the Program.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate, candidates for the degree of Master of Science in Health Services Administration must:

  • Satisfactorily complete the program of study, including all courses and assignments.
  • Attain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale, and have no more than two courses with less than a grade of “B.”
  • Successfully present and defend a comprehensive research business project as part of the HSA-690 “Health Care Strategic Planning” (Capstone) before a faculty panel. The project’s topic must be selected and approved by both the student and the faculty instructor of the Capstone course. The project’s content and student presentation will be graded based on competencies developed by the student which have been established by the program’s strategic model.
  • Complete degree requirements within seven years of the date the student is fully accepted as a degree-seeking student for study in the graduate program.
  • File an application for the degree with the University registrar on the appropriate form signed by your academic advisor from the College of Health Sciences.
  • An internship/practicum experience (HSA-660) is required of all degree-seeking individuals. Students with more than five years of health care management experience will be assigned an applied research project instead of the internship as part of the HSA-700 “Special Topics in Health Services Administration.”

Grading Policy

The following grades may be recorded for a course:



90–100 points



80–89.99 points



70–79.99 points



Below 70 points






In Progress (incomplete internship, project); students have 6 months to complete the course requirements or the grade will be converted to an “F.”



Withdrew from course before the withdrawal deadline.

*An ‘I’ grade is not automatically given for absence from class or incomplete work. An ‘I’ grade will need to be requested in writing by the student to the course instructor when course assignments have not been satisfactorily completed. A substantial portion of the required coursework and assignments/assessments, as determined by the faculty member, should be complete to qualify for an ‘I’ grade. Students who are granted an ‘I’ grade in a course must complete all the course requirements by the date set by the Registrar’s Office. An ‘I’ grade becomes an F if assignments are not completed

Transfer Credits

Acceptance of transfer credits is at the discretion of the program director. A maximum of six graduate credits may be transferred from a regionally accredited or internationally recognized institution of higher education at the time of matriculation. Only courses with a final grade of B or higher will be considered for transfer. Transfer credits must meet the criteria established by Barry University. Transferred courses must correlate with those in the Master of Science in Health Services Administration curriculum and must have been completed within three calendar years of application.





Master of Science in Health Services Administration (39 credits)

Semester I (6 credits)





Semester II (6 credits)





Semester III (6 credits)





Semester IV (6 credits)





Semester V (6 credits)





Semester VI (6 credits)





Semester VII (3 credits)

