INFS 4330 Data Mining and Machine Learning

Data mining focuses on finding actionable patterns in large and diverse datasets such as clusters of similar customers, trends over time that can only be spotted after disentangling seasonal and random effects, and new methods for predicting important outcomes. The course introduces students to data mining that uses Python and R programming languages. The course discusses both supervised machine learning classification and prediction techniques including decision trees, neural networks, time series analysis, and unsupervised machine learning techniques such as clustering and association analysis.




Advanced standing; INFS 3310 or INFS 3325 with a "C" or better; or permission of the instructor. All students pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts in Economics, or Bachelor of Science in Materials Management and Logistics from VCoBE, must apply for and be admitted to VCoBE before they are allowed to enroll in the Advanced Business Core and Major coursework for their degree. Prerequisite of INFS 3310 is waived for the students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Department of Information Systems

