EECE 6371 Energy Assessment and Delivery Systems

Energy assessment of modern smart energy systems is covered, including energy and waste assessment, evaluation of energy costs, smart metering, energy delivery, electrical end-use equipment (motors, lighting, transformers, and more), smart cities infrastructure, HVAC, distributed energy systems as pertaining to end-users, and examples from around the world. Students will gain the ability to understand modern energy delivery systems and analysis techniques used for energy assessments in research and in current end-user facilities as well as wide-scale network operations. Discussions about energy delivery systems worldwide including smart energy systems inclusive of distributed renewable sources will be addressed. Energy Assessments and Delivery Systems will cover operations of energy systems in real-world manufacturing facilities and also be aimed at the cutting edge of the present development. Students will be introduced to fundamental principles and build up to advanced techniques so that they develop the basis to explore the present and future energy delivery systems as lifelong learners. Students will be able to recognize and consider the operational aspects of energy components and systems on a local basis. In addition to topics covered students complete reports and presentations during the course each counting equally as exams.




Graduate standing in any engineering major.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Dept of Electr & Comp Enginr

