BBEI 400 Small Business Management
Entrepreneurs face a range of practical strategic management challenges to accelerate and control the growth of their developing firms. This includes issues related to the selection of venture growth venues, financing options, optimal marketing methods, and the identification and hiring of competencies or capabilities to help it grow and mature. Therefore, the objective of this course is to provide students with insights into the problems and opportunities involved in managing growth in entrepreneurial ventures, and to help organizations become more structured without losing its entrepreneurial spirit. The focus in this course is on small- and medium-sized enterprises that are seeking to manage growth and the issues of transition. The latter include how entrepreneurs can monetize the value of the enterprise they have created (firm valuation), and the range of succession alternatives such as going public, selling to another company, employee buy-outs, remaining private, partnering and Internationalization
Completion of 60 CH & BBEI 300